Page 21 of Destructive Truths
“Donnacha?” I ask, trying to piece the puzzle together.
“What?” Her brows furrow. “No, why would you think that? Donnacha is a Deegan, not a King.”
“Not according to him or Rohan,” I state. “I didn’t see it at first, but once Donnacha let it slip, the similarities were too obvious to ignore.” Shit! I probably shouldn’t have divulged that nugget of information so freely. But fuck it! At this point, I’m beyond caring. I need answers, and I’m willing to share what I know in order to get them.
“I haven’t seen Donnacha since he was a baby, but to be honest, it wouldn’t shock me. Gabriel’s not known for keeping it in his trousers.”
“So, if Donnacha isn’t Elouise’s son, who is?”
Mam shakes her head and rolls her eyes. “That boy told you nothing, huh?”
She nods. “Yes. Elouise is Rohan’s mother.”
This conversation is a complete mindfuck, but the news of Rohan and Liam’s relation is the least of my worries. I’m still sitting on the edge of my seat, waiting with bated breath for the rest of my mam’s story. “So, what happened after you found out about the baby?”
“Truth, I got drunk off my ass and hit on the first guy I saw.”
“Unfortunately, no.” She releases a huffed laugh, almost as though she’s reliving the memory again. “Let’s just say I made a fool of myself, and your dad found me crying on the balcony. Classy, I know.”
A smile escapes me, and even though I’m angry with her, I don’t fight it because a part of me misses the easy-going relationship we once had.
“After that, your dad and I spent the night talking. Finally, when the night ended, he insisted on walking me home. Once he walked me to my door, he asked me on a date, and I politely declined.”
I’m so wrapped up in how my mam met my dad, I don’t hear Lorcan entering the room from behind me until he announces himself. “I showed up at her school every day for an entire week until I finally wore her down.”
“The best decision I ever made,” my mam counters, eyes locked on the man filling the doorway behind me. Peering over my shoulder, I watch as he pushes off the doorjamb and strides across the room, planting a chaste kiss on my mother’s forehead.
Over the years, I’ve wondered why my mam never dated. She’s thirty-six, stunning with her pale skin and piercing grey eyes. But seeing her with Lorcan, I can see why she turned down every man who asked her out. It’s obvious her heart already belonged to someone… my dad.
“Where are Liam and Beibhinn?” my mam questions Lorcan, making my brows hike towards my hairline.
“The twins are here?”
“Aye.” Lorcan nods, taking a seat beside my mam and drawing his attention to me. “I asked them to give us a wee while to talk. They’re waiting over in the other cabin. I told them I’d send you over if and when you’re ready.”
“Okay, thank you.” I bring my gaze back to my mam, needing more answers. “So, is your relationship the reason you ran?”
“Partly, but no. Lorcan and I had only been seeing each other for a few weeks when I found out about you, and we agreed to keep it a secret until after I finished my second trial. Only I never made it that far.” Her face falls, a wayward look darkening her eyes. “How much do you know about the trials, Saoirse?”
My mam scoots forward, barely perched on the edge of the couch. Her hand reaches towards the table where a half-empty tumbler of water sits. Slowly, she raises it to her lips, then coats her tongue with a mouthful, waiting for my reply.
I think over her question, how much do I know about the trials?
“The trials are part of the syndicate initiation. All successors must partake once they reach eighteen. The first trial is to fight a syndicate member and win, right?”
With a slight nod, my mam sets her glass down. “Sort of. You can fight any member who has completed the first trial. Their place in the syndicate is not at risk, only the initiate on trial. Do you know anything else?”
“No, the rest of the trials remain a mystery. Honestly, if it weren’t for Beibhinn and Rohan, I wouldn’t even know as much as I do. Nobody’s explained how many there are or what’s involved.”
Lorcan leans forward, shifting closer to my mam’s side before he rests his elbows on his knees. “There are three trials,” he offers, “and although predecessors can prepare you for what’s coming, we can’t outright tell you what they involve. Only those who complete the first round are privy to what happens after.”