Page 23 of Desecrated Reign
As we walk towards the cars, Lorcan tosses his keys to Rohan. “Here. Take my car. Now that Bev is here, there’s more space, so I’ll head back with Éanna.”
“No problem, Boss Man. I want to check on Donnacha before I head to the cabin. I’m pretty sure that sedative you gave him should be wearing off by now.”
“Aye. Do you want to come home with us, doll?” Lorcan’s eyes met mine with a questioning glance, offering me an easy escape from having to see Donnacha.
My dad and I have gotten closer lately, especially in the days after Liam’s funeral when Lorcan taught me how to funnel my anger and hurt into power. He spent those first few rough days teaching me an array of MMA moves, and when that didn’t work, he brought me to the gun range and taught me how to shoot correctly. But even though we’ve bonded in our own way, there are still times—like this one—when I can see him straddling the line of our newfound relationship, wondering what his role is in my life. He’s trying to stand back and allow me to make my own choices, but deep down, I know he’s also fighting the need to protect the little girl he never really got to know.
“Actually”—I graze my teeth along my bottom lip—“I think I’ll go with Rohan.”
A few silent seconds pass, both of them read into the meaning behind my words. I know why they’re worried, but this is something I need to do. I see no point in drawing it out further. I’ve already missed the last few days of school with everything that’s happened, and with our Leaving Cert exams coming up on the eighth of June, Rohan, Aodhán, Beinhinn, and I are due to head back to Killybegs any day now.
Not to mention, right after we finish our final exams, the second trial is set to take place. Dealing with Donnacha tonight is the logical thing to do. With him out of the equation, I can focus on what I need to do to pass whatever the syndicate throws at us.Maybe it’s the high that came with knocking Gabriel off his pedestal, but I am ready to rid myself of Donnacha and everything he put me through once and for all.
Rohan’s fingers tip my chin up and hold my gaze steady. “I know we talked about this, but it doesn’t need to be tonight, love. We’ve got time.”
“You need ta be sure, doll,” Lorcan adds, concern worming across his tight-knit brow. “Once you cross the line, there’s no going back.”
“I know,” I assert, standing a little taller as I flood my lungs with a confident breath. “I promise, I’m ready.”
Rohan scans my face, searching for any sign of uncertainty behind my eyes, but there is none. Everything I’ve dealt with within the past two months killed the girl I used to be. I’m stronger now, no longer afraid of the shadows in the Killybegs world. The monsters came for me, but instead of letting them win, I’ll become one myself. Not only do I want revenge, I fucking crave it more than my next breath.
“Okay, love.” That’s the thing I love the most about Rohan. He never questions my choices, allows me to navigate through my feelings; never pushing but always right there when I need him to be.
“Alright, doll,” Lorcan agrees. “If you’re sure.”
“I am,” I confirm.
“Drawing me into a large bear hug, Lorcan tucks me under his chin. “If it gets too much at any time, step away and let Rohan handle it, alright?” He backs away, brushing my ponytail behind my shoulder. “You’ve got this, doll. ’Member what I taught yea, and you’ll be grand.”
“High and tight, forward at the hips, shoulders towards the forward foot,” I repeat the instructions he spent hours drilling into my head.
With a beaming smile, he shoots me a wink. “Atta girl.”
* * *
We’re almost back at the cabins when Rohan veers off the main road and down a long, old gravel driveway lined with large evergreen trees. Through the dense forestry, I spy a dilapidated Georgian-style farmhouse covered in ivy, and although it’s not in the best shape, it’s still stunning.
Bypassing the driveway, Rohan continues down the small laneway to the left, passing by the horse stables until we’re cut off by two large industrial-sized farm sheds.
“Who owns this place?” My eyes dart around the expansive property, taking in all the old farm equipment scattered around the cobbles. It’s clear it hasn’t been a functioning yard in at least a couple of years due to the clusters of weeds and overgrown greenery, but with a little attention, this place would be a paradise.
Hitching the handbrake in place, Rohan unbuckles his belt and shuffles in his seat, turning his neck to face me. “It’s your dad’s. He bought it when you were little. I think he secretly hoped a day would come when you and your mam would live here, but Gabriel never let up on his mission to find you, so it never happened.”
Clicking off my own seat belt, I pull on the door handle and climb out of the car. With wide eyes, I twirl in a circle, surveying every inch of the place I should’ve been able to call home. Suddenly, my wistfulness turns sour, and anger races to the surface. This place is just one more thing Gabriel stole from me; not just a house, but a home with my family.
Rohan steps in behind me, drawing my back into his chest as he circles my waist and rests his chin on the top of my head. “What’s going on in that head of yours, mo bhanríon?”
“Nothing. It’s just… there were so many times throughout my childhood that I dreamed of living in a place just like this. A home with two parents, filled with happy memories and laughter. But my reality was always so much bleaker.” Covering his hands with mine, I lean into his chest, needing to feel closer to him. “We spent years jumping from town to town, moving from school to school, never really settling for more than a few months at a time. I never understood why we were always running, and now, although I understand why, it still makes me angry that this whole other life was hidden on this mountain. A life I always craved.”
Placing his hands on my biceps, Rohan uses the leverage to spin me towards him, and then he cups my cheeks in his palms. “You’re here now, though. And honestly, as much as you want to be mad at Éanna and Lorcan for shielding you from this lifestyle, they did you a favour.” He leans in and kisses my forehead. “Growing up in Killybegs isn’t easy. From the time I could walk, Gabriel was constantly training me. I never got the chance to be a kid, Saoirse. I was exposed to a world far too dark for my light to shine through. We all were. You’ve seen glimpses of the syndicate since you arrived, but I guarantee you it gets worse.” There’s something in his haunting green eyes I can’t quite place, a sadness wrapped in bitter anger, maybe. But before I can dissect it further, he continues. “Once we complete our initiations, there is a whole network of business to attend to, and I’d be lying if I told you they were all legitimate. Each province deals with a different sector. The Leinster Syndicate—because it houses the capital, and all the work is in Dublin—looks after all the businesses, from pubs and clubs to the local mechanic and tattoo shops. You name it, the Leinster Syndicate is laundering money through it.”
“What about the other provinces?”
“All different. Weapons, drugs, and prostitution, to name a few. Over the years, the Kings have drifted further and further into underground crime. Money breeds power, and power is a hungry beast to feed. The reigning Kings are doing whatever it takes to keep the cash coming. If the OGs knew how much their predecessors have run their legacy into the ground, they’d be rolling in their graves. Removing Gabriel from power is the first step to renewing the old syndicate, and hopefully, with you at the helm, we can bring to life what once was and restore the true value behind our legacy.”
Covering his hands with mine, I rise on my tiptoes and place a light kiss on his lips. “We will. Together. But first, let’s start by removing the rubbish.”
His head tips back with a laugh, and then he slots in next to me and places his hand on my back, guiding me towards what looks like an old workshop. “After you, love.”