Page 42 of Desecrated Reign
“Classic Rohan. Woo you with pretty words until you can’t say no. Then dickmatize you into believing it was the right choice when you said yes.”
Our hearty chuckles bleed into the air, but then I turn serious again and capture her eyes with mine. “You were right, though… It is sooner than either of us would like. Under normal circumstances, we probably would have waited longer, but unfortunately, as you know from your situation with Cadden, the syndicate doesn’t really give us a choice in timing. They’re going to push for the weddings of every heir next in line—mine, Cadden’s, and Orion’s.”
“Oh, I know! But at least you and Rohan would have ended up at the same conclusion regardless. And even though it is faster than you hoped, you guys love each other.” Her mouth twists in distaste as she draws a breath through her nose. “Don’t get me wrong, I am happy for you, I really am. But some of us don’t get a choice.”
My eyes bounce between her and Cadden before finally settling on Beibhinn with a raised brow. “Will you ever tell me the story between you two?”
“Not much to tell. At least, not anymore, anyway.” She tips her attention to the ground, hiding behind the lie she’s telling herself. When she finally looks back up, she pushes to her feet. “I’m gonna head to bed.”
I stand to hug her, and when I pull back, I find her eyes wandering towards the blue-eyed blond sitting on the far side of the fire. Offering her an out from her less-than-ideal sleeping arrangements, I add, “Do you want to bunk in with Rohan and me tonight?”
“I’ll be fine,” she assures me. “Besides, I wouldn’t give that cunt the satisfaction.”
“If you’re sure.”
“Trust me, babe… I can handle Cadden Connelly.”
My eyes widen in disbelief when we finally break through the forest border and step onto an open clifftop stretching into the Irish Sea. The drop alone must be at least a hundred and fifty metres of jagged stone that cuts into the raging waters below with the sharpness of a razor blade. Closing my eyes, I breathe in a lungful of salty air as the wind whips past me, tinting my cheeks pink with its icy touch.
Not too far from where we’ve gathered, a magnificent lighthouse with white-washed walls sits proud and unafraid along the cliff’s edge, spearing from the ground and reaching towards the grim, grey sky. As I examine every inch of the expansive property, I note several flagstone buildings surrounding the spire. It’s almost like I stepped into a coastline painting that came to life, and while I’m basking in the depth and colour, my senses come to life, and I lose myself in the soundtrack of crashing waves as they reverberate against the rocks below, thundering against the stone with a vengeance.
“You’ve gotta be kiddin’ me.” Shannon’s Belfast twang licks through the silence. “Are you tellin’ me I spent two bleedin’ days in a wee tent when I coulda been sleepin’ in luxury?” She swishes her arm through the air, pointing at the lighthouse. “What’s bettin’ there’s at least one hot shower in every room of this place?”
Smothering my laugh behind my hands, I tip my head towards the lighthouse. “Why don’t you find out?”
Her feet plod across the rough terrain, determination punctuating her every stride. “Oh, I intend to.”
Next to me, Rohan engulfs my hand with his, dragging me along with him as he follows behind Shannon. The rest of the group pads behind, and we close the distance within minutes.
Finally, we’re standing before two wrought iron gates, peering up at the syndicate crest welded onto the rusting bars. “Well, this is definitely the right place.”
“There’s a buzzer.” Aodhán raises his hand, ready to press the grey button on the intercom that’s protruding from the pillar, but stops when the air fills with a click. “Welcome, initiates. Please find your way to the red door at the base of the lighthouse and proceed to the top floor.” Finn’s Southern drawl booms from the speaker, gaining everyone’s attention.
Suddenly, with a squeak of age-old hinges, the gates ease open, cutting the crest in half as they span wide and grant us access. My heart pounds with anticipation as I step forward with a deep inhale. I squeeze Rohan’s hand, tightening my grasp, needing to use some of his strength.
The group falls silent as we cross the courtyard, passing by all the out-buildings until finally, the red arched doorway with black, barn-like accents comes into view. Cadden reaches for the handle first, clicking the little latch above it with a flick of his thumb before pulling the door open.
Together, we enter the foyer. My gaze wanders around the interior, lingering on the mixture of wood and flagstone flooring against an all-white backdrop. Nothing but a black, wrought-iron spiral staircase fills the space, dragging my gaze up and up. It’s then I spy the large windows staggered along the length of the walls, and I instantly fall in love with how the light bleeds through the space, giving tiny snapshots of the scenic location and allowing them to take centre stage.
Placing one foot on the bottom step, I drop Rohan’s hand and grip the rail. I fill my lungs with a shaky breath, expelling it slowly.One by one, we make our way up the narrow staircase, step after step, each one leading to the final part of our trail. There is no way of knowing what happens next or whether we even passed whatever test the syndicate presented us with. One thing I’ve learned since I stepped into this world is that nothing is as it appears. Everything has a hidden meaning, and I can guarantee that the last few days tested us in a way none of us were even aware of.
Finally, when we step into the lantern tower, we are surrounded by floor-to-ceiling windows that provide a panoramic view of the north side of the island. I’m so busy staring out at the skyline that I don’t notice the four people sitting to my right, narrowed eyes on the rest of the group.
“Well, about time you showed up. I thought we would be waiting forever for the rest of you.” Hannah scans me from top to toe with disgusted perusal from her perch on Alex’s lap. Well, it didn’t take her long to find her next victim.
“Now, now, Hannah.” My dad steps through a glass door that leads onto the balcony with the remaining four Kings following close behind him. “Nobody appreciates a gloat.”
His amber eyes scan the group, and his mouth twists into a barely-there smile when he sees all of the Killybegs gang together. Finally, he steps forward, closing the distance between us as he holds his arms out for me to step into. Circling my arms around his waist, I drop my head to his broad chest as his tattooed arms engulf me in a fatherly hug.“Great to see you, doll.”
“You too, Dad.”
Pulling back, he greets Rohan with a slap on the back.
“Now that everyone is present,” Seamus steps forward. “We can announce who actually passed the trial.”