Page 14 of Malevolent Hearts
Unbidden, I keep a watchful eye, trailing her as she walks towards the fountain and plucks a bottle of champagne from the top tier. Without hesitation, she peels off the gold wrapping sealing the top, then, after giving the bottle a thorough shake, she pops the cork, spraying bubbles all over the guests, making them squeal with delight.
Anger feeds off the air in my lungs, flaring my nostrils. She tips her head back and opens her mouth wide before lifting the bottle to her face and pouring the bubbles down her throat.
Before I know it, she’s parting the crowd like the Red Sea and making her way towards the VIP section. My grip on Meila tightens, drawing her closer to my chest. Two can play these games, Pretty Poison. Question is, who can play them better?
All eyes are on Beibhinn as she ascends the steps leading to the patio, and once she hits the top, Meila’s claws come out. Just like I knew they would. “Excuse me, bitch. You’re dripping your dirty skank water all over our VIP deck.”
Beibhinn’s eyes drop to her now see-through tank, and a fake sweet smile sweeps across her face. “Oh, my bad.” Her hands wrap around the cotton, then she wrings the water from it, leaving a puddle next to her painted red toenails. “Oops.”
Meila shifts in my lap, then straightening her shoulders, her eyes narrow on my future wife. Unfortunately for her, my bride-to-be doesn’t scare easily, and Beibhinn strides forward, closing the distance with four measured steps. “Have we a problem?”
Beibhinn’s eyes sweep up and down, shooting daggers at Meila. I swear if looks could kill, Meila would be six feet below about now.
“Actually, yes, we do.” Meila fires back. “This deck is for the Munster heirs only. No rejects allowed. After all, everyone knows Liam is the better Devereux.”
Something sinister flashes in Beibhinn’s eyes, and for a second, I contemplate stepping between her and Meila before she rips her a new arsehole. But not wanting to show my hand, I think better of it, wanting to see how Bev handles herself.
Dropping to her hunkers, Beibhinn raises a brow and brings herself to Meila’s eye level. “Listen up, princess. You might think this is your kingdom, but it’s not. Toss your tits in his face all you want, but it won’t make the slightest difference. One day, you will bow to me.”
Meila tenses beneath my grip, and it takes everything in me not to laugh at the realisation hitting her in the face. Cranking her neck, she shoots me a confused look. “What’s she fucking talking about?”
“Go on, future husband,” Beibhinn prompts. “Explain the obvious to this brainless whore.”
Meila’s gaze snaps back to Beibhinn. “No. I want to hear it from you.”
Drawing her hands together, Bev mocks Meila as though she’s only more than willing to burst her little delusional bubble. “Move over, Mee-lah,” Beibhinn draws out her name. “There’s a new queen in town.”
The Present
You call it hope-that fire of fire! It is but agony of desire.
—Edgar Allan Poe
I keep my eyes on Cadden as I rise and straighten my spine. There are a few ways I can approach this, but I’m not stupid enough to believe any of those avenues will lead anywhere. Not when he’s stalking towards me, hands resting in the pockets of his suit pants. The gold buckle of his belt glimmers under the soft glow from the fairy lights that decorate his bookshelves, distracting me for a split second longer than it should. Somewhere between me leaving the bedroom and him following me down to the library, he’s lost his shirt—a move that, if I had to guess, was strategic on his part.
My heart picks up as he closes the distance one precise step at a time. There’s no way out, only up, and unfortunately, my predator is blocking the ladder I came down, leaving me to deal with the consequences of my actions.
I track his every step, and with nowhere to go and the main door still locked, I’m trapped, surrounded by books and a scent that’s purely Cadden. I press my body to flatten against the door behind me as I drink him in, noting the smug smile stretched across his face. He knows he’s won. I’m cornered with no way out.
I made the first move, and now he’s ready to play.
The devil knows his strengths, but more importantly, he knows his enemies’ weaknesses. Cadden Connelly is no fool, he’s aware my weakness is him.
“Did you really think I would be stupid enough to leave the only exit unlocked? Come on, B. You know me better than that.”
I bite down on my lower lip, trapping my retort behind my teeth. Careful not to seem fazed by him drawing closer, I do a quick scan of my surroundings from my peripheral vision, all while trying my best to maintain eye contact. It’s useless, the only way out of this is through him. I might be going down, but fucked if I’m doing it without putting up one hell of a fight.
Hoping to catch him somewhat off guard, I clench my fist and strike first, but I’m not quick enough to make contact. Cadden grips my extended arm, his fingers latching around my abraded wrist, making me hiss through the pain. Before I can pull back, he uses my arm as leverage, spinning me around so fast, I almost lose my balance. Within a split second, my cheek is pressed against the hardwood.
“Let. Me. Go!” I hiss through clenched teeth.
Ignoring my demand, Cadden pins my wrist above my head while I wriggle beneath his hold, but he uses his six-foot-three frame as a weapon, moulding his chest to my back and holding me in place. “I can’t, Pretty Poison. Believe me, I would if I could, but you’re in my veins.”
Like always, his words weaken my resolve but not enough to forget his wicked lies. Unfortunately, I’m a million miles from full strength after whatever drug he injected into me on Friday night. Not to mention, I’ve been tied to a bed for thirty-odd hours with fuck-all to eat or drink. There is no chance of me overpowering him.