Page 28 of Love on the Ice
I want that cup.
I want it for my team, but selfishly, I want it for me and for a longer contract. For more money, for the NHL to notice me. I want a chance. That’s all I’ve ever wanted, and I've proven myself every time I’ve gotten it.
And I’ll continue to prove myself.
Over and fucking over.
Coach gives us a huge pep talk, happily telling us all of the things we did well, and glosses over the mistakes. Tonight is not the night to focus on the mistakes. We need to bask in the glory for a bit. I open my mouth to say something to Otto next to me when Coach shouts my name.
I turn my head to look at him. He smirks then jerks his chin toward me. “You did well. Keeping your cool like that.”
“I didn’t keep it that well,” I point out with a chuckle.
“But you did. Sure, you got into it, but you left it there and turned your determination into a wholly different type of determination. It was no longer about beating his ass but instead beating him and his whole team. That is the fire I want to see from you every single game.”
“Yes, Coach.”
He grins, his eyes almost sparkling as he watches me in silence for a moment. “Now go and celebrate. Get laid by that pretty thing that caused the fire to burn inside of you so fucking hot tonight.”
That is exactly what I want to do. How the fuck did he know? Otto chuckles from behind me. Turning to him, I jerk my chin. “There’s got to be one of them you’re going to try and get with tonight, too, right?”
“I’m of the belief you do not shit where you eat. They’re all gorgeous, but I’m not touching any of them.”
“So, am I making a mistake?” I ask.
Otto’s eyes focus on mine. His gaze holds my own before he speaks. “Reid,” he begins, “you aren’t going for this girl to have a good time. You’re not just going to do her to get off and that’s that.”
“I’m not,” I confess. “I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing, though.”
Otto lifts his hand to wrap his fingers around my shoulder before he gives it a tug. “You might not know exactly what you’re doing, but it’s clear you want something more with her.”
I do.
I want more.
More of what, I’m not exactly sure.
I’ve never done this before. Never imagined that I would want someone the way I do her. I feel almost obsessive, and I’ve only had a taste of her. I haven’t even felt her yet, been inside of her, but I want that.
I want everything, and I’ve only ever felt that way about hockey, never about a woman. This is all brand-new territory for me. So Otto is correct when he says I don’t know what I’m doing, but I want something more with her because that’s exactly how I feel.
I just don’t think she feels the same, which is also something I’m not sure what to do about. What to think about. I have always been confident. But this makes me feel less than self-assured.
Once I’m showered and changed, I head out of the locker rooms with the rest of my team. By the time we leave the arena, the fans have typically left and gone home or continued the party elsewhere for the night.
Sometimes, a few girls will hang around and try to get us to party with them. I can’t deny that I’ve had a piece of a puck bunny here and there. They know the score. They know it’s not lasting or even real.
As we step out of the back of the building, I hear female cries. Turning my head, I look over to the crowd of women, and I burst out laughing. It’s all the neighbors. All those girls with their signs they held up during the game.
It’s amazing and hilarious all at the same time.
Instead of thinking about what I’m going to do next, I act. I don’t think. I rush toward Lorelai, drop my duffel bag on the ground, reach out to wrap my arm around her waist and touch my mouth to hers in a hard kiss.
She doesn’t resist me. Her lips part, and I slip my tongue inside of her. I taste her, fully wishing I could fuck her right here and now. I’m not sure how much longer I’ll be able to wait. I’ve wanted to be inside of her every day since I tasted her on my tongue.
But I’ve been busy working out and training, trying to stay focused on the game. But tonight’s game is over now. Lowering her down on her feet, I nibble on her bottom lip.