Page 36 of Love on the Ice
Flicking my gaze up to meet his, I chew on my bottom lip, trying not to say a single word. I don’t want to make an idiot of myself, but I also want to know why he is acting like we’re dating when I know without a doubt that I’m going to be the midnight booty call.
There’s nothing else I can be. It would be a ridiculous fantasy to hope for anything more. It feels a bit cruel at this point to think of myself as anything but his midnight call. I’m easily accessible, and I’ve already given him complete access to my body.
“Reid,” I respond.
His lips twitch into a smirk, and he shakes his head once, then clears his throat. “What are your plans for the day?”
I could tell him the truth, that I’m probably going to be sitting in the middle of my bed submitting applications anywhere and everywhere until my shift at the hotel. I’ve actually already put in a request for more time at the hotel, too, but I don’t want to get stuck in a rut there.
I’m afraid that I won’t be able to ever stop working there and get the job I truly want. I’ll be so dependent on the money, and my schedule will be so full that I won’t be able to do anything else.
It’s another big fear of mine, which was why I was hoping I wouldn’t have to worry about it. I was hoping that after taking my test, I would be able to find some kind of accounting job and begin my career.
And that would be that.
But I guess I choked.
I failed.
And now, I’m trying to dig myself out of the predicament I am immersed in.
“I need to apply for some more jobs, and then I have to work.”
There’s a moment of silence before Reid reaches for my hand, lacing his fingers with mine, his eyes focusing on me. “You have a job?”
His question is straightforward. He has no idea that I work. I almost laugh because I guess I never told him. It’s not like it’s a secret, but it’s also not something I shout from the rooftops. I’m not embarrassed to have the job I do, but at the same time, it’s not my dream career path by any means, so I don’t necessarily offer it up much.
“I do,” I reply, then clear my throat before I finish. “I work for maid service at the hotel in town.”
Our town has one hotel and one motel. We may be close to the city and live in a new housing development, but we are very much a small town. The city is just minutes away, so there isn’t much need for a lot of hotels, but we have one that stays fairly busy.
He frowns, then nods his head once. His eyes stay connected to mine before he lets out a whistle. “I had no idea. I think that’s great,” he murmurs.
I’m not sure if he really believes it’s great or not, but I can tell it’s thrown him for a loop. I don’t think he knows what to do. I’m not sure if he’s embarrassed about my job or not.
Maybe he’s embarrassed for me?
It doesn’t embarrass me, although I know it’s not glamorous in any way. It pays my bills, and I have a feeling it will be doing that for a while now that I haven’t passed my class.
I open my mouth but snap my lips closed, then open it again. But I don’t get a chance to say anything because he speaks first. When he does, his words come out softly, almost sweetly, and my heart skips a beat when he says them.
“Honestly, baby, I think it’s awesome you work so hard. I come from hardworking people. There’s nothing wrong with getting your hands dirty in life. I admire you, Lore.”
“Why?” I ask without even thinking.
I shouldn’t be offended by his words. They’re sweet and nice. However, I can’t help but feel a bit put off by them. Getting my hands dirty… that phrase just rubs me wrong. It shouldn’t because I am getting my hands dirty… sometimes really dirty.
He shrugs a shoulder. “Any of the girls you live with work with you?” he asks.
Shaking my head slowly, I press my lips together, rolling them a few times before I release them. “No,” I whisper my answer.
“Any of those girls work at all?” he asks.
They don’t. None of them do. Sure, they’re all in school taking classes, but I’m the only one who works. I’m the only one who has to work. As much as I don’t want to, it’s a necessity. They don’t have the same background as I do, and it’s no fault of my own or theirs.
We’re just different.
I’ve never been jealous of my friends, maybe a bit envious of their awesome bodies, metabolism, skin, and what seems to be, at least, a touch of wealth. I love and accept them the same way they do me.