Page 2 of His Cursed Heart
“Keaton?” I hear my right-hand voice, Allan. His blonde hair is styled perfectly and he is wearing a black simple suit.
Like mine.
Keres’s funeral is today and many families came here to show respect for my dead fiancée.
“What happened, Allan? I’m trying to say goodbye.” I murmur, still looking at her pale face with the white patch on her forehead to hide the gunshot.
“I’m sorry, but we finally have the footage from the day she died.” I hear him say behind me.
“And?” I want to find the bastard who dared to underestimate me. I will skin him alive for what he did to her, for daring to question my authority and killing an innocent woman.
“A shadow. We can’t figure out who is it. No camera shows a clear imagine of him.”
“So, he knew the house quite good.” I assume.
An outsider.
“Or maybe he hacked the system.”
“You’re telling me we have no lead?” I ask frustrated.
“Just that he’s not from here. The gun is foreign and a very hard one to find. Arsenal Firearms ‘Strike One’.”
“Russia or Italy.” The best guns or even armor is in those countries. “That doesn’t mean the guy is foreign.”
“It’s a possibility. That’s all we have, Boss.” That bastard. For how long did he planned this?
Yes, I didn’t have the romantic relationship I thought I would have with Keres, but we were friends. She usually told me about her day when we had diner and she definitely told me if someone crossed the line. If she was in danger, she would’ve told me.
“Do you know someone good with computers?” I ask Allan, my eyes never leaving Keres.
Is her family here? And not some aunts and uncles that never cared about her. I know Hanibal, her father, would be here even if there’s a war on her grave.
But after everything that happened between them, all the unfinished conflicts, would she come to her sister’s funeral?
A hot feeling of anger takes control of my body when her face ruins my mind. Anger and another feeling that I can’t put my finger on.
“Arius Novak. The Empress’s most loyal soldier.”
“Is there a way to contact him? Preferably without the Empress knowing.” Allan looked at me like I had pink hair. It’s risky doing this behind her back, but I don’t want this publicly. “Just- stay with her until I’m back.” And I leave the room.
I take out my phone and contact Orion, my personal hunter. If I want to find someone that it’s practically invisible, he’s the guy who can find him.
“Keaton.” His hoarse voiced filled my ear. Everybody calls me Keaton. The only one who called me ‘Everette’ was Keres when she saved me. But just in that moment. I wanted her to keep calling me like that but she never did. Like she can’t even remember calling me like that.
“I need you to find me a way to talk with Arius Novak.” I get to the point.
“You wanna die?” I hear his small laugh.
“Clearly. Can you do it?”
“You know I can. Give me a couple of days. That bastard is smart.” And with that the call ends.
I want to get back to where Keres is, but Allan is at the front door with wide eyes.
“What is wrong with you?” He may be my right hand, but he is a clown sometimes.
“I know it may sound stupid, but I think Keres knocked in her coffin.” I sigh at his stupidity.