Page 37 of His Cursed Heart
"Because we don't have one. Why aren't you listening?" Lord save me. "Anyway, the good part is, guess who she put as a flower child."
"Do we have a child in this wedding?" Orion asks. My brain finally gets what Allan is trying to say, and I start smirking, feeling how my mood is rising.
"Vincent." I say devilish.
"Vincent Fabiano Luciano." Allan laughs too.
Seeing Vincent with a flower crown on his head and throwing petals on the floor is going to be my favorite part of this damn wedding.
The doors are open and silence is taking up the church.
Vincent appears out of nowhere, clearly pushed by someone, and starts throwing purple petals on the floor.
I try to hide my smile, but it's impossible. His little frown and angry steps are making everyone look at him
When he arrives in front of me, he sticks out his tongue at me, and then goes next to Venus, who films
I shake my head and then I look at the door where Althea and her father are walking towards me.
And for the second time this day, I am speechless.
My breath stops and my eyes linger her body covered in the most stunning wedding dress I've ever seen.
I can't see her face because of the long veil, but I know that my bride is gorgeous.
When they are in front of me, I go a few steps lower so I can grab her hand and bring her next to me.
Her hand is soft and her manicure is sophisticate, fitting perfectly in my big hand.
Before we turn to the priest, Hanibal whispers.
"At least take care of her, son." And I narrow my angry eyes at him.
"Go to your seat, Papa." Althea warns.
He leaves with a smirk on his face, and me and Althea are taking our position in front of the altar.
I wonder what's she thinking.
I know she's not happy, but I wonder if she accepted her fate.
I don't like her, not even a bit, but I want to have a life in peace.
"Dear Christians, today we have gathered to celebrate the union between Everette Keaton Moretti and Althea Seraphina Luciano in the holy marriage." I'm not listening to him. My focus is on the woman who is like stone right now.
Her hands are cold, and she says nothing. She doesn't even move. It's like she's not present here.
Will we ever talk without fighting?
Will we ever trust each other?
"Sir?" I almost flinch at the priest loud voice. People
are looking at me with wide eyes, and I look at Allan who is beside me with our rings in his hands.