Page 64 of His Cursed Heart
"Let me worry about that." I say.
"Sei testardo proprio come tuo padre." I freeze. This isn't Russian.
"You know Italian?" I say with a calm voice.
"How else will I be a step ahead of Hanibal?"
Makhim asks with a smirk.
Very interesting.
"Are you aware he's my father-in-law?" I have a feeling he doesn't care.
"Do you like him?"
With a smirk, I repeat my wife's words: "I'll like him better dead."
"Then you can put the pieces together." Yeah, I can.
He wants to kill Hanibal. That's why he came here.
I move my chair further back and open a drawer full of papers. I put aside thousands of papers to find the note given by Orion.
When I find it, I give it directly to Malkim.
"What does this mean?" Makhim, with a raised eyebrow, takes the note and read it.
His nostrils flare and he moves his head up quickly to look at me.
"Who said this?" He asks with a rough voice.
"Hanibal. To Althea." I say and my hands are turning white.
What does it say?
"That bastard."
"Makhim." I say with a low voice.
" 'You're into a castle full of men who would do anything to have this pretty scared face in their sheets.' " And then it's quiet.
I feel the room getting hotter. My hands are trembling.
"What?" But I don't need him to repeat. He looks at me and then put out the cigar.
"I want him dead, Keaton. He took something from me a long time ago, and he still thinks he got away with it." His wife. The words he said to her are living in my brain. How can a father say that to his own daughter?
I want Vincent.
Althea thinks he'll do something to Vincent. Is Hanibal the reason why Althea's walls are up?
One way to find out.
"Then let's kill him." I say and determination installs in my veins.
Makhim smirks and offers me his hand. I shake it and without another word, he's out of my office.
I walk toward the painting room and I see Ivan outside of it.