Page 69 of His Cursed Heart
"This is my favorite car that I own." He speaks at a normal tone. "I hunt it down for almost a year."
"It's beautiful." I let all the lies leave my head. He moves him head to look at me, but I don't move my eyes from the car.
"Yeah, she's very beautiful." I swallow the nod from my throat.
The car ride is silent. But not an awkward silence, one in which we stare at the black lights of Chicago in the night time.
After twenty minutes I see Everette pull onto a hill. In the middle of the hill is a large, white house with black windows. The house has two levels and the
ground one has all the lights open.
Everette stops the car in front of the mansion and a man dressed in a black suit opens my door. I exit the car and let the cool air invade my body.
My husband throws the key to the man and comes next to me.
He takes my left hand in his big one and entwines our fingers.
He leads me into the house and the bright lights are hurting my eyes. In the hall, I see a girl that looks younger than me, with black hair and green eyes.
The resemblance between her and my husband is immaculate.
Emmeline Moretti. My sister-in-law.
Her smile takes over her beautiful face and she comes with big steps toward us.
Emmeline hugs her brother tightly and says something in his ear. I try to untie my fingers from his hand to let them have their brotherly moment, but Everette doesn't let go.
He keeps our hands together as he rubs his sister's back with the other one.
They break up couple of second later and her emerald eyes meets my brown ones.
"It's so nice to finally meet you." My muscles relax at her soft voice. I didn't had the time to meet Emmeline properly at the wedding, because the chaos kept me away from everybody.
"Hi, Emmeline." I say with a smile back. I hope my ability to smile is still there. But when her own smile gets bigger, I know I did a great job.
"Come this way, Mom just finished the meat." And she leads us to the kitchen.
I look around the house and see different kinds of
plants and painting around the walls and corners.
We enter the kitchen and I see my parents-in-law smiling at each other. They look at us and Vivian's smile gets even bigger when she sees her son.
She comes with open arms and hugs her son as tight as Emmeline.
"Good evening, Ma." Everette kisses her cheek.
"Hi, dear." She takes her time hugging him.
This time I managed to get my hand out of his grip.
"Hello, Seth." I smile at him too.
"You look beautiful, Althea." He caresses my hair, but he's not hugging me. I let out an internal sigh. I don't feel comfortable enough to hug him yet.
After Vivian attack on Everette, I can see her turning to me and I already know that the attack is coming back at me.
I let her squeeze the shit out of me and then she releases me.