Page 2 of Hunter's Moon
“Dr. Heylarth! I need help, Arin’s dead and there are assassins after m--”
An iron grip seized my wrist, wrenching the commpad away and slamming it to the ground with a sickening crunch. I whirled to face another black-robed Nerath, fanged maw twisted into a sadistic grin.
That was enough to spur me harder. I broke into a dead sprint towards the nearby spaceport gates, unwilling bystanders scattering before me. The looming shadows of three starships rose beyond the gates--ships taking off soon by the looks of the activity around them.
On pure instinct, I veered towards the largest, most nondescript vessel and sprinted up the entry ramp. A startled mechanic tried to wave me off, but I shoved him aside and bolted deeper into the dim, plasteel corridors.
My heart jackhammered in my chest, every strangled breath burning through me as I tore around one last corner into what looked like...a cargo bay? Unmarked gray containers lined the walls, harsh chemical scents stinging my nostrils. But it would have to do.
I scurried behind the nearest cargo containers just as the unmistakable thrum of repulsors firing up shuddered through the deck plating. Burying my face in my knees, I hugged myself tight as the ship lurched spaceward, bound for...anywhere that wasn’t here.
I stepped into the smoky den, my nostrils flaring at the stench of cheap liquor and stale sweat. The dim lights cast long shadows across the room, but my vision pierced through the gloom with ease. Bevarik, the Fanaith broker, sat at a table in the corner, surrounded by a small entourage of muscled thugs. Their presence didn’t intimidate me, but it spoke volumes about Bevarik’s paranoia.
As I approached, Bevarik’s features twisted into what I assumed was a smile. His wide, lipless mouth stretched, revealing rows of needle-like teeth.
“Ah, Tharion! So good to see you, my friend. Please, sit down. Can I offer you a drink?”
I remained standing, my arms crossed over my chest. “I’m not here for pleasantries, Bevarik. What’s the job?”
Bevarik’s smile faltered, but he quickly recovered. “Always straight to business, aren’t you? That’s what I admire about you Vinduthi. So focused, so... driven.”
My patience wore thin. I leaned forward, planting my hands on the table. “The job, Bevarik. Now.”
The Fanaith’s bodyguards hands moved to their weapons. I paid them no mind. If they wanted a fight, they’d get one they’d regret.
“Very well, very well.” Bevarik reached into his pocket and pulled out a small holoprojector. With a flick of his webbed fingers, an image flickered to life above the table.
My blood flared. The hologram showed a human female, her auburn hair framing a face that was both delicate and determined. Her green eyes stared right through me, even in this static image.
“Her name is Lina Chivek,” Bevarik said, all business. “Last seen at the Adtera city spaceport, but her trail’s gone cold. The client wants her found and brought in. Alive and unharmed.”
I studied the image, committing every detail to memory. “Who’s the client?”
Bevarik shook his head. “You know that’s not how this works, Tharion. Client confidentiality is paramount in our line of work.”
I grunted in acknowledgment. It wasn’t ideal, but it wasn’t unusual either. “What’s the bounty?”
Bevarik named a figure that made even my eyebrows rise. It was a substantial sum, enough to set me up comfortably for a long time.
“That’s... generous,” I said, carefully neutral.
Bevarik’s amphibious features twisted into something resembling a smirk. “The client is very motivated to see this job completed quickly and discreetly.”
I nodded, my mind already racing through the implications. A bounty that high meant trouble, and lots of it. But it also meant I couldn’t afford to pass it up.
“I’ll take it,” I said, straightening up. “Send the details to my ship.”
Bevarik nodded, deactivating the holoprojector. “A pleasure doing business with you, as always, Tharion. Good hunting.”
I turned and left without another word, eager to be out of that foul-smelling den. As I made my way through the winding corridors of the space station, conversations drifted to my sensitive ears.
“...heard the Syndicate’s making a move on the outer sectors...”
“ hyperdrive tech, supposed to cut travel time in half...”
“...stay away from Sector 7, Fanaith territory now...”