Page 54 of Pity Parade
“I don’t feel attached to the big stuff anymore.”
“I don’t even know what that means,” she says. “Do you regret what we’ve spent the last decade doing?”
“No,” I tell her honestly. “I’m just changing, that’s all.”
“I can’t believe you’re telling me this at the same time I’m finding out my marriage is in trouble. Great timing, Heath. Thanks so much.”
“This is probably the best time, Shel. It’s time for both of us to choose happiness, whatever that means to us.”
“Well, I’m sure as hell not happy now!” she yells. “Not only am I worried my husband has found a sidepiece, but my business partner suddenly isn’t feeling fulfilled. Could my life be a bigger mess?”
“Your husband could be leaving you,” I tell her. “And your business partner could stay and make us both miserable.”
“I’m done talking to you, Heath. I have a plane to catch, and I’ve recently discovered I don’t own any vacation clothes, so I have to go buy some.”
“Have a great time, Shel. Enjoy every moment with your family.”
She hangs up without responding. And even though she’s mad, I’m glad we had this conversation. Shelby still has a husband and children. And if I can be a part of helping her see how important they are, that’s a good thing.
I don’t bother thinking about my own family life because I already know that ship has sailed.
I was glad when Paige called this morning and asked me to lunch at the club. I wasn’t looking forward to sitting around my apartment feeling sorry for myself. And the truth is, I’m in the middle of quite a pity party. No job, little interest in the only guy who’s interested in me, imminent public humiliation on the horizon—via a dating show … Good times.
“So, Heath knows all about the contest?” Paige asks.
Nodding my head, I tell her, “Yeah. It was either that or try to run interference between him and every man who came to stay.”
“And he’s supportive of you and Daniel getting together?”
“He says he is.”
She shakes her head. “I really thought he had a thing for you himself.”
I look up and let my gaze scan the room. That’s when I spot the topic of our conversation. He’s sitting at a table with Tim. “He’s here.”
Paige turns around in her chair and spots Tim. She waves at him, which causes him to stand up and come over. After giving Paige a kiss, he says, “I didn’t think you were coming in until our tennis match.”
“Trina and I have some planning to do,” she tells him. “And I do my best thinking while eating a patty melt.”
Before I can comment, Heath joins us. “Trina, Paige. Fancy meeting you ladies here.”
“I’m starting to think you’ve implanted a tracking device in my shoe,” I tell him. “You’re everywhere I go.”
“I guess I’m just lucky.” His smile is gentle and a little sad.
The energy between us seems to have shifted since our conversation last night. We both have insight into where the other is coming from, and a sort of truce seems to have been declared. It’s nice and weird at the same time.
“Where’s Daniel?” Heath wants to know.
“I have no idea,” I tell him. “I’m not seeing him today.”
“Why don’t you join us?” Paige asks.
Tim shakes his head. “We would, but I’m planning to introduce Heath to someone.”