Page 7 of Breaking the Ice
The key to your cabin will be waiting for you in the office. Give us a call once you’re settled.
Turning around, I walk into the stands surrounding the rink and look for someone who might possess access to the locked room. The only people I see are an instructor and a small class of pint-sized skaters. There are some parents sitting and watching, but no one looks official. As such, I decide to sit down and wait for the lesson to be over.
The young woman teaching the class tells her group, “No jumps today. We’re going to work on making your turns more graceful. Figure skaters should look like angels gliding through the clouds.”
Even from this distance I can see the teacher is quite lovely. Her dark hair is pulled back, making the sharp angles of her cheek bones stand out. Yet, it’s the pink fullness of her lips that really grabs my attention. She’s wearing yoga pants and a form-fitting long-sleeve top which leaves little to the imagination. This woman is taller and curvier than your average figure skater. She’s also a total knock-out.
I remind myself that I am not here in pursuit of women. In fact, the opposite is true. I’m here to avoid romantic entanglements and halt the demise of my lagging reputation, both courtesy of Yolanda Simms. I make a mental note not to forget that.
A red-headed girl raises her hand, and says, “Miss Ellie, I have to tinkle.”
Ellie—I like that name—turns her head slightly while pointing to the exit. “Hurry up, Taylor. And make sure to take your skates off.”
“But that’ll take forever!” the little girl moans.
Ellie shakes her head. “Which is why you’re all supposed to use the bathroom before we start.” Then she addresses the class. “Who wants to show everyone what it looks like to be a graceful figure skater?”
Another little girl raises her hand. This one appears to be slightly older than the others, maybe ten or eleven. “I’ll do it, Miss Ellie,” she says before standing and removing her skate guards.
The teacher leads the way to the center of the rink, gliding in an elongated figure-eight. “Follow me, Claire.”
Once Ellie completes her final rotation she leans forward and raises one leg, stretching her arms out to her sides as she glides forth. I’ve never thought of figure skating as an erotic sport until this moment. The instructor looks more like a pin-up girl than an athlete, and I’m finding it difficult to watch her and still maintain an aura of indifference.
“Zach!” I turn to see my brother Troy approaching. “You’re early.” His smile stretches across his face, leaving little doubt how happy he is that I’m there.
“I couldn’t wait to see you,” I fib. I haven’t seen Troy in almost a year, and even though I really do miss him, I wouldn’t be here at all if my life wasn’t in the toilet.
Reaching out, he pulls me into his arms for a bear hug. “Liar. You wanted to get here ahead of the press.”
“Guilty,” I confess before adding, “The office is locked, so I couldn’t get the key to the cabin Kelly found for me.”
Stepping back, Troy tells me, “I don’t have it yet. We can wait for Ellie’s class to end and get it from her.”
My face flushes with heat. “I’m staying with the figure skating instructor?” No good can possibly come from that if my goal is to save my reputation.
Troy knocks his fist into my shoulder. “Dream on, buddy. You’re not staying with Ellie. Your cottage is at the back of her mom’s property.”
I feel the need to confirm, “So, she lives somewhere else?”
Troy’s eyebrows knit closer together before he clarifies, “Ellie lives with her mom. Elaine is in bad health and needs assistance.”
“So, she’ll be close to me?” Beads of sweat pop up on my forehead. What in the world is wrong with me? I’m acting like a kid in the throes of puberty.
“Is that a problem?”
Changing the direction of the conversation, I tell my brother, “I’m excited to take a break from my crazy life.”
That’s when Ellie turns around and spots us. Her eyes narrow and her body visibly tenses. Is it me or does she look like she’s preparing to go to war? “Are you sure she’s okay with me staying at her cottage?” I ask Troy. “She looks like she wants to bludgeon me with her skate blade.”
Troy laughs heartily. “You aren’t supposed to be here until tomorrow and according to Kelly, Ellie has been busting her butt to get the cottage ready for you. I don’t think she’s done yet.”
“I’m fine with whatever shape it’s in,” I tell him. And even though that’s true, I can’t help but hope Ellie isn’t as prickly as she looks.
Of course, Zachary Hart showed up early. The man is clearly so self-absorbed he thinks the world’s population is here for no other reason than to serve him. I turn toward my class and announce, “Everyone on the ice. Practice your revolutions until I come back.” Then I skate toward the opening in the boards where Troy is standing next to his brother.