Page 95 of Bitter Rival
I lick my lips. “The fruit is sweet, but the seeds still have some bitterness.”
He nods as we walk to the end of the row. “Another week and they’ll be ready to harvest. In the meantime, get to work,” he says, handing me a five-gallon bucket from the back of the tractor.
Who says romance is dead?
“I have to go back to the house for a conference call. Collect samples so Callie can check the Brix.”
“I’ll help,” Hunter says, hopping off the tractor and moving to my side.
“Daisy can handle it on her own,” Beckett says. “I need you to fix the hole in the netting in the syrah block. While you’re at it, check all the others too.”
“Sure thing,” Hunter says, giving me an apologetic smile before heading to the complete opposite side of the vineyard to do Beckett’s bidding.
I turn to Beckett and arch my brows. “Is it my imagination or do you go out of your way to keep me and Hunter separate?”
“It’s your imagination working overtime,” he says. “Stay out of trouble, princess. If you play your cards right, I might fulfill another one of your fantasies later.”
I flash him a bright smile. “You’re cooking dinner?”
“I was thinking more along the lines of making you my dessert.”
I’ll be in the city all day tomorrow for meetings. Try not to burn the place down before we can sell it. Don’t use the stove. At all.
I didn’t realize the gas burner was still on. And whose fault is that??? But yes, I shall try to survive without you
See that you do. I expect you to be ready and waiting for me when I get home.
I might even get started without you
Just don’t finish without me.
Why are you texting anyway? I’m literally across the hall from you
We don’t talk much these days…which means I’m currently sleep-deprived yet determined to get my full six hours.
If you weren’t so busy trying to fuck me out of your system, you wouldn’t be having this problem. Good luck with that, btw. That’s like asking a junkie to stay clean.
It sounds as if you have me confused with one of the degenerates you’ve dated in the past.
Of which there were many. Many have come before you…many will follow…you’re just a pit stop on my road to recovery…
Happy trails to you!