Page 90 of Married With Lies
He’s so intense. I have no doubt he knows his way around.
I wouldn’t say I’m a prude between the sheets but I’ve never been adventurous. With Cale, nothing is off limits.
A car door slams shut and Cale jerks his head to the source of the noise.
That’s right, there were other people inside the vehicle. I do not care who they are. In fact, I sort of hate them right now.
He’s distracted at once, pulling away and setting me down on my feet, which is a real disappointment. Cale exhales loudly and shoots me a look that’s a cross between worry and apology. Not like him at all.
“Sadie!” Richie Amato’s belly laugh sure is a mood killer. He waddles this way with his arms open, seizes me in an unwanted hug, then kisses each cheek with a wet smacking sound.
The instant I’m released, Cale pulls me to his side, swinging a protective arm around my shoulders. Cale’s Aunt Donna climbs out of the car next. Greeting her is far less traumatic than greeting her husband.
“This place is so cute!” Donna exclaims, pressing a hand to her bosom. “Richie, how cute is this? What’s it called again?”
“Bright Hearts Ranch,” I say, enjoying the weight of Cale’s arm.
Donna tells her husband that someday she wants a ranch just like this one. He doesn’t appear to be listening. His eyes continue to follow Cale.
Next, Donna wants a tour. Normally I love any opportunity to show off the work we do here but right now there’s a mafia overlord breathing down my neck. Richie Amato hangs a few paces back and observes in silence as I give Donna the complete tour of the ranch. Maybe I’m on the wrong track but I get the sense there’s some tension between Cale and his uncle.
Donna and Richie aren’t the only ones who made the trip with Cale. There’s a whole flock of Amato family associates on their way up to the resort. It’s possible Cale is just nervous that someone might guess the truth about our marriage. If so, he needn’t worry. I don’t plan to hold back on the affection this weekend. Anyone watching us won’t have a reason to doubt we’re a loving couple.
Peggy has no interest in meeting anyone new today. She continues digging her tomato holes when I try to introduce her to Richie and Donna. Luckily, Donna is too busy talking to notice. She carries on about how she wants a ranch too but not in Colorado and on her ranch there won’t be so many animals because of Richie’s allergies.
“Hello, Peggy,” Cale says and finally Peggy pauses her digging.
She stays in her squatting position and points the garden shovel at him. “I knew you’d be back,” she says.
Only those who know and love Peggy would understand that the greeting is full of enthusiasm. It’s as if she has exclaimed, “I’ve missed you, Cale!”
When I reach for Cale’s hand he not only cooperates, he lifts my hand and briefly presses his lips to my knuckles. I’m aware that he might be overdoing the affection to convince his uncle but I don’t think so. Richie continues to observe us with a blank, unreadable expression that sends chills up my back.
I don’t relish the thought of being scrutinized by Richie Amato all weekend. At least I have a solution. Cale and I will just have to stay in our room as much as possible. Perfect.
We’re heading back to the rental car when Jasper jogs through the gate for his shift. Thanks to Cale’s generosity, I’ve been able to start paying Jasper for part time work here.
He sees us and raises a hand. “Hey, Mr. Wingate. Good to see you again.”
Richie Amato, who clearly misses nothing, didn’t miss hearing Cale get called Mr. Wingate either. He stares at his nephew, takes stock of our joined hands, then finally snorts with laughter and opens passenger side back door to let his wife in. He walks around to the other side and climbs in without a word.
Cale carries my suitcase and loads it into the trunk. He doesn’t notice I’ve followed him until he shuts the trunk.
We stare at each other for a moment and then he pulls me in for a hug. Burying my face in the folds of his crisp white shirt, I squeeze him around the waist. I don’t want to let go.
He rubs a hand across my back. “Nice sweater, by the way.”
I tip my head back to see his face. “You don’t like it? You don’t think multi-colored granny squares make me look sexy?”
He grins. “I didn’t say that.”
“Then maybe if you’re lucky I’ll let you watch me take it off later.”
He says nothing but I’ve seen that burning hunger in his eyes before. I saw it the night of our wedding in Vegas. What would have happened if we’d given in to temptation then?
Cale runs the pad of his thumb over my lower lip, just like he did on our wedding night.