Page 28 of Tempting Devil
“Precisely,” he replied with a laugh.
“It’s my understanding you have onsite cremation?”
“We do. And I can assure you that no cremations will occur during any visitation or viewing hours. We only do them after business hours.”
“May I see the facilities?”
I could sense his reluctance once more. This time, however, he didn’t object to my request. After all, I’d paid him handsomely just to meet with me. No doubt he was already seeing dollar signs in his eyes over what I’d pay to have the perfect service for my nonexistent grandfather.
“Right this way.” He spun on his heels.
I followed, but not before discreetly grabbing the trocar he left on the embalming table and slipping it into the sleeve of my suit jacket.
“I had this entire wing built as an addition when I bought the house,” he explained proudly as he led me down the hallway. “While I strive to give my guests a comforting environment, there’s still a clinical element to what I do, as well as building code requirements in order to carry out cremations on site. I pride myself on being able to offer a one-stop shop service to my clients.”
“It certainly is convenient,” I mused, although I was thinking more of the convenience it offered for my plans tonight.
After passing several more rooms, he came to a stop at the end of the corridor. Like every other door along this hallway, there was another keypad requiring another code. But in addition, there was also a fingerprint scanner, making me think something more sinister than a typical cremation occurred on the other side of this door.
“Quite a bit of security,” I commented as he input his code before pressing his thumb to the scanner.
“As I’ve mentioned, the safety of your loved one is of my utmost concern.”
The door buzzed, and he pushed it open, revealing another sterile space like the preparation room he just showed me.
But this one was much bigger, probably four times the size. And unlike the other room, there was a large oven built into the far wall.
He headed toward a panel beside it and flipped several switches.
When the unmistakable sound of gas igniting filled the room, another memory slammed into me. Something about the beeps and hissing of gas were so familiar, confirming my suspicion that I was kept in one of these sterile rooms as this asshole nursed me back to health, just to turn around and sell me off like livestock.
“How long does a standard cremation typically take?” I asked, needing to distract myself from the rage that was becoming stronger with every second I remained in this place.
“The entire process can take approximately three hours, sometimes longer, depending on the size of the body. The oven is usually preheated to about eleven hundred degrees, which doesn’t take long with the powerful flames inside. Once that happens, the mechanized doors are opened and the container is rolled inside before the doors are quickly closed again.”
“While it’s not necessary, I prefer to keep the body in a combustible container. I find it more…respectful. Sometimes it’s just a large cardboard box or simple coffin like this here.” His tone was chillingly casual as he walked toward a plywood box in the corner of the room.
“And after the process is complete? What happens to the ashes?”
“The chamber is then cooled and the cremated remains, which actually resemble a skeleton, are swept into a tray. Then the remains are put into this.”
He strode toward a machine that looked similar to a tool cabinet, the only difference being the clear doors on the front. He opened them, demonstrating where the remains were placed once they came out of the oven.
“First, the machine will remove any metals, like from fillings or hip or knee replacements. Then it will grind whatever’s left.” He closed the doors and opened the compartment beneath it, gesturing toward a metal bin where I assumed the grindings ended up. “After that, the remains are placed in a container of the family’s choosing, which I personally deliver within forty-eight hours.”
Nodding, I strolled through the room, taking in all the equipment, doing my best to remember every detail he just shared with me.
Especially the cremation process.
This asshole probably used this very room to dispose of bodies and evidence of crimes. Hell, he probably would have used this room to dispose of my body had I not still been alive when he arrived at the crime scene that night.
And now I was going to dispose of the evidence of his death in an act of poetic justice.
“Well, you’ve been extremely accommodating and thorough.” I faced him with a bright smile. “I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you taking the time to go over the entire process with me. It certainly helps make my decision much easier.”
“I understand this can be a difficult time. I’m always more than happy to answer any questions you may have.”