Page 59 of Tempting Devil
Drawing in a deep breath, I pulled myself to my feet, doing my best to fix my expression into a mask of indifference.
“Liam,” I greeted cordially after opening the door and slipping onto the front porch, not inviting him inside as I normally would.
I could only pray he didn’t read too much into my demeanor. After all, we hadn’t spoken since our argument in Pebble Beach. At least I had that to help explain any changes in my behavior.
“Hey, Gin.”
“What are you doing here? I?—”
“Is it too late for an apology?” He gave me a sheepish smile, shifting from foot to foot.
It was hard for me to imagine Liam being capable of all the things Gideon accused him of.
But people probably could have said the same about my sperm donor. He was a genius. A well-respected college professor.
Yet that didn’t stop him from ending the lives of dozens of innocent women.
Or making my mother’s life a living hell for years.
Or kidnapping me and forcing me to witness the worst of humanity.
“An apology?” I crossed my arms in front of my chest and leaned against the exterior siding.
“For the way I behaved in Pebble Beach. I was angry and confused, and I said some things that hurt you. I just care about you, Imogene. That’s all. I want what’s best for you. And Gideon Saint…”
At the name, I swallowed hard, my pulse kicking up. I hoped he didn’t notice my sudden intake of air or the way I fidgeted with my hands.
“I know you have feelings for him,” he continued, his jaw clenching. “There may be nothing I can do or say to make you change your mind, but as your friend, I can’t just stand aside and remain silent. And it’s not out of jealousy or whatever my actions may have led you to believe. It’s because I’d never forgive myself if I didn’t say something and you ended up like Alton.”
“This again? Liam, I?—”
“I know.” He dug his fingers through his hair in frustration as he paced the short length of my front porch. “But between the attack at the club, the body on my boat, and now Alton’s sudden death? There’s something going on.”
“You’re right. I think there is something suspicious going on.”
He straightened, darting his eyes to mine, obviously surprised by my response.
“You do?”
“Why else would a detective contact me yesterday?”
“They…did?” he stammered.
If I didn’t know Liam this well, I wouldn’t have thought anything of his reaction. But I knew him. Knew his tells. And the way he repeatedly swallowed and blinked told me he was nervous.
“About what?”
“Alton’s death.” I chewed on my lower lip. “Although I guess it was more about Samuel.”
His face blanched. “Samuel?”
I nodded. “He asked if I could remember the last time he may have visited Alton’s cabin.” I feigned confusion. “Do you know why that would matter?”
He forced a smile, but didn’t look directly at me. “Your guess is as good as mine.”
I knew for a fact Liam was more than aware of why the police might want to find out the last time Samuel Tate had been at Alton’s cabin. That Liam would easily lie about this told me he’d have no problem lying about other things, too.