Page 77 of Tempting Devil
He’d killed Alton.
And he planned to kill James and Liam, too.
What they did to him was horrible, but could I just stay quiet, knowing what he planned to do? Wouldn’t that make me just as culpable?
I’d struggled with this same thing when my sperm donor kidnapped me. For three horrific days, I was forced to watch him brutally torture and kill several women.
And I did nothing to stop him, too paralyzed by fear and trauma.
The guilt over that plagued me for years.
Hell, it still plagued me.
Could I stand having even more blood on my hands?
I’d hoped coming out here before the sun rose would offer me some sort of clarity. It didn’t.
Especially since Gideon currently sat watch from his usual spot at The Daily Grind.
It was the only way he’d let me surf this morning, too concerned about what Liam might do.
It was endearing, yet suffocating at the same time. How could I find clarity when the source of my confusion watched my every move?
I shifted my gaze from the shore, peering toward the horizon and watching the swells as I waited for a wave. Finally, I saw one in the distance heading for me, the timing perfect.
As it approached, I readied myself, studying the wave with every inch it erased before paddling hard and hopping up on my board.
The water was rougher this morning than it had been earlier in the week, the ocean more unpredictable. But I held on, concentrating only on the wave.
Until something below the surface caught my attention.
It looked like a hand.
I tried to maintain my balance, but I was too distracted. The wave engulfed me, dragging me down to the ocean’s depths. In the darkness, I was disoriented, unsure which way was up. Trying to remain calm, I looked for the bubbles and followed them to the surface, fighting against the rough water to swim to shore.
Coughing and gasping for air, I managed to stumble to the sand and collapse on my knees. It took several minutes for me to catch my breath. Once I did, a renewed wave of panic overtook me when I noticed my hands were covered in blood. I frantically scanned my body for the source, but there were no cuts. No scratches. No marks.
Instead, as I surveyed the shoreline, I found it was littered with bodies, the ocean painted red.
And on the very top of the pile was Alton Sinclair, his lifeless eyes staring at me in accusation.
My screams echoed against the vast emptiness, but no one seemed to hear me, even when I was pulled back under the sea of blood.
The last thing I remembered was the smirk on Gideon’s face as I took my final breath.
My eyes snapped open, sweat drenching my body, my hands shaking uncontrollably. I pressed a hand to my chest, trying to slow my racing heart as each detail of my dream continued to haunt me in vivid clarity. The blood-red ocean waves crashing around me, drowning out my screams felt so real, to the point that I couldn’t help but question whether it had been merely a nightmare or something more sinister. A warning of what was to come.
I took several deep breaths, trying to calm myself and push away the unsettled feeling that clung to me like a relentless predator.
Between the dream and waking up to find Samuel’s side of the bed empty, I was more confused than ever, my head at war with my heart.
Would I have felt better if he were still here, his arms wrapped around me?
I couldn’t say with certainty.
These days, I couldn’t say anything with certainty.
Carefully getting to my feet, I headed across the room and into the bathroom. The hot water from the shower felt like heaven on my sore body, washing away my doubt and anxiety for a moment. Then I pulled on a fresh pair of shorts and a t-shirt before going in search of Samuel.