Page 36 of Sweet T
“Already?” Tucker asked. “You working half-days now?”
“Your father and I have a meeting... with the wedding planner.”
“A wedding?” said Evan. “How exciting. Who’s getting married?”
“They are,” Tucker answered. “Right here, in the backyard.”
Puzzled at first, Evan’s eyes soon lit up. “That’s right. Yesterday. The Supreme Court decision. I completely forgot.”
Pedro put his hand on Evan’s shoulder. “I’m very sorry for what happened to you. It’s hard to conceive how something so horrible can still happen on a such a joyous day.”
“Yeah,” Evan said, eyes drifting.
“So, Daddy’s coming home early too?”
“Should be on his way now. Said he was going to call your brother first. Anyway, I’m going to get cleaned up. It was nice meeting you, Evan.”
“Same. Thanks for putting me up.”
Pedro was already walking toward the main house. “You’re welcome. It’s nice having a new face around here.”
Evan waited for him to go inside before he looked back at Tucker.
“Brother?” he asked.
“Yes, I have a brother.” Tucker grinned at Evan playfully. “Did I not mention him?”
“Nooo,” Evan said, eyeing Tucker shrewdly. “You told me about your daddy, your adopted daddy, your grandmother, Shelly and her mother, and your aunt with the boarding house, yet you don’t mention a thing about a brother. I find that a little odd.”
Tucker raised his hands, guiltily in mock surrender. “OK, OK. You win. I have a stepbrother. His name is Javy.”
“Why the hesitance? Did he not grow up with you and Shelly?”
“You know, for someone who spent last night in a hospital, you sure are feisty.”
“I’m resilient that way. You’re avoiding the topic.”
“I’m not avoiding. I just–”
Evan’s head tilted, prompting.
“I just forgot to mention him.”
“Not buying it. I want to hear more about him.”
“Well... what you already said. Javy didn’t grow up with Shelly and me. We were teens when he came along. Pedro’s cousin in Mexico, Javy’s mother, died. He didn’t have any other family down there.”
“Aw. That’s sad.”
“Yeah.” Tucker nodded. “It is. Daddy and Pedro brought him to the states. Pedro adopted him. We were freshmen, fourteen or fifteen.”
“Suddenly, you were no longer the only son.”
“I know what you’re thinking. But it’s more complicated than that.”
“Is he gay?”