Page 55 of Sweet T
“So, that was my first time,” Tucker said. “The first in a little over two years with Emmett, the summer before our sophomore year.”
“Young love. Nothing sweeter.”
Tucker smiled, his eyes lifting with thought. “Yeah. We met every chance we could after that. He would come over to my house on summer nights, weekend nights, and when we started driving, we’d hit the dirt roads every chance we got, parking, feeling each other up.”
“When did things progress further?” Evan asked, eyeing Tucker curiously. “You know, beyond just hand jobs?”
“That very summer, I started giving him blow jobs. He took a little more persuading than me. Sometimes he would give in, but I could never come in his mouth. He would make me promise not to.”
“That’s not very fair.”
“I didn’t care. I loved him. I loved his laugh, his smell. I can hear his voice now.”
“What happened to him?” Evan asked, already suspecting what Tucker was going to say.
“Our senior year, he began paying more attention to Pru Barksdale. Pru was pretty, used to getting what she wanted, and she had set her eyes on him. Soon, she was the only thing Emmett ever talked about. They started going out together, beginning with homecoming.”
Tucker broke eye contact with Evan, clearly pained with the memory.
“I felt so betrayed. I mean, I didn’t need anyone else. I had him.”
Evan reached across the table and squeezed Tucker’s hand. “Sweetie, I don’t think you ever had him, not the way you’re thinking.”
Tucker looked up, eyes moist. “But how? I mean, we were together a lot. We did things a lot. How do you just turn that off?”
Evan sighed deeply. Tucker was a big, handsome man, mature in so many ways, yet what Evan was seeing before him was the raw, twisted heartbreak of teenage love—unrequited and never fully healed.
Could a man really still carry that kind of weight with him?
From the looks of it, yes.
“So, where is he now?” Evan asked.
“Atlanta, his hometown. He knocked her up before senior prom. Guess I spoiled him when it came to not using rubbers. They got married and moved back. I’m pretty sure she knew something had gone on between us because she was not comfortable having me near. With every glance, she was sure to let me know Emmett belonged to her.”
“She knew you loved him. Sensed you were competition. But not really.”
“No. I guess not.”
“And this was what, five years ago?”
Tucker nodded.
“So, let me see if I have this right. You had a physical relationship with a guy for over two years, in secret.”
“Shelly knew. She’s the only one I ever told.”
“What about your dads? You didn’t confide in them?”
“No. It was all during Javy’s arrival. They were wrapped up in that.”
“Something tells me they knew. Anyway, he leaves you for a girl. They move away, happily ever after, leaving you behind five years ago. So, you’ve been hung up on this Emmett guy for close to eight years.”
“I’m not hung up on him.”
“Well, you had me fooled.” Evan raised his margarita glass in a mock toast.
“I just–I’m cautious. That’s all.”