Page 63 of Sweet T
“So it was, and I would be pleased if you would be my Fool.”
“I won’t let you down.”
Sebastian addressed Tucker. “I’ll pick him up daily at noon, and I’ll bring him here with me after. The only nights will be the Thursday, Friday, and Saturday performances. Does that work for you?”
Tucker’s enraptured daze had faded. He gave Sebastian a conceding glance. “As if I have a choice.”
Evan surprised Tucker with a spontaneous embrace. “Thank you, T. This means so much. You don’t know how happy this makes me.”
Tucker held Evan, perhaps a little too long and a little too tightly, feeling his small, firm body nestled snug within his own larger, cushioned frame. He thought back to those last scripted words and Evan’s lovelorn gaze wishing like hell it hadn’t been an audition.
Evan’s first night at the tavern was a busy one. As much as Tucker may have wanted to conceal him in the kitchen, business dictated otherwise. At the evening’s peak, Tucker and Shelly were overwhelmed with customers at the bar for a solid two hours. So, whenever the continuous roll of food orders came up, all Evan could do was approach either of them with the ticket and let them point him in the direction of the table where it belonged. This, Tucker quickly discovered, was increasing their sales for the night because having a server take food to the table resulted in more add-ons—drinks, snacks, and desserts. He’d had to transfer cash from the drawer to the safe twice, with a third migration likely.
Almost every time Evan returned from a table, he’d have a new ticket with additional items ordered. This surprised and delighted Tucker, who was forced on the spot to reevaluate his business model. He needed a server other than him and Shelly at least three nights a week—hell, maybe even more. If business warranted it, he could justify the additional expense.
Evan enjoyed getting to know some of the tavern regulars. He also sought every opportunity to escape the tight confines of the mercilessly hot kitchen. His acting background made him a natural at chit-chat with customers and up-selling. Even though Tucker was worried about him out mingling with customers, the money he saw every time he opened the register help to override his apprehension.
Once the evening simmered down, Ben showed him how to break down and clean the cooking equipment and run the industrial dishwasher. Evan was adept at everything they showed him, eager to learn, streamline where possible, and be an all-around team player. He cleaned the restrooms and took out the trash with Ben while Tucker settled tabs with lingering customers.
Upon their return, Shelly had her bag and was heading out.
“I’ve got to go. Big exam in the morning. You too, Ben. You’ve got school.”
“I do. Thanks, Shel.” Ben went to gather his belongings, but Shelly held Evan back.
“Hey,” she said. “I just wanted to thank you. You were a godsend tonight. It was like perfect timing. Mondays were getting beyond our control, and you jumped right in. No fear. ”
“I had a blast,” Evan said. “I enjoy being busy like that. Doesn’t seem like work that way. You guys have a good thing going here, lots of great people.”
“Yeah.” Shelly smiled. “And now you’re a part of it.”
“If that’s true, can I be candid?”
“Ben’s got it pretty bad for you. Every other sentence out of his mouth has your name in it.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“He’s very cute, and smart, too. Are you not into him? Or is this some kind of workplace rule?”
Shelly chuckled. “No. Well, if I’m considered the HR department, then I would definitely suggest avoiding the horizontal mamba with customers. That could lead to some difficult scenarios. As far as Ben, I think Tucker would love to see us together. Anything to keep me here.”
“Ben said you’re eyeing design schools. New York?”
“Yeah. Parson’s is the goal. If I can’t snag a scholarship, then I’m aiming for SCAD.”
“That’s an excellent school, too. And they’re in Atlanta. Close.”
“Yeah, Ben would likely follow me there.”
“Is that a bad thing?”
Even though it was dark outside and he couldn’t see her expression clearly, Evan felt Shelly relax. “No. I do like him. I just don’t want to hurt him. He’s fantastic. He would do anything for me, and I could give in to it, easily. It’s just–it’s bad enough leaving Tucker. I can’t leave a boyfriend, too. I’m not breaking any more hearts.”
“Ben would wait for you.”