Page 80 of Sweet T
Evan pushed at Tucker, grinning. “You know, I have no qualms about that.” He toed off his shoes, undid the button of his jeans, and lowered them.
Tucker’s face flushed pink. He kept his eyes locked on Evan’s.
Evan lowered his underwear and Tucker felt minuscule beads of sweat perforate his forehead, a cool sheen in response to his body temperature rising.
Evan took Tucker’s hand and placed his cock in it. Tucker closed his hand around it. It felt soft, thick, and warm in his grip.
Evan undid Tucker’s jeans and let them drop, then lowered his boxers.
“So this is what I had in my mouth. I couldn’t see as well in the truck. Lucky for you, I don’t have much of a gag reflex.”
Tucker didn’t hear him. His eyes were locked on Evan’s as he bent down for a kiss. Evan looked up and their lips met, and they held it and each other for a while.
When they parted, Tucker said, “That was nice. I’ve held a man this way before, but never while kissing.”
“What do you want to do, T? What would you like to do?”
Tucker responded physically, kissing down Evan’s neck and shoulders. When he reached the smaller man’s chest, he licked at Evan’s nipple. “I want to taste you,” he murmured. “I wanna taste all of you.”
“You’re too tall to be bending down like that.”
Evan shucked his socks and sat on the bed. Tucker let his shirt fall and finished undressing. He knelt before Evan, rubbing his large hands up and down Evan’s thighs, firmly parting them.
“You’re sure this is OK?” he asked. “I don’t want to cause... well, um, I don’t wanna–”
“Trigger me? No. Not you. Never. I meant what I said. I need this.”
Tucker held Evan’s cock again, observing. It was larger than he expected–another ridiculous body-size assumption. The head was fat, and as thick as the shaft–a round, pink, perfect mushroom with a single dewdrop emerging at its tip. Tucker licked at the drop and looked up at Evan.
“How do I taste?”
Tucker tried to speak, but the sound that came from him was faint, somewhere between a sigh and a moan. He took Evan’s cock into his mouth, his eyes closing. As he felt Evan’s silky flesh on his tongue, Tucker’s thoughts were a whirlwind of lust and longing. Finally, he was doing what came naturally to him. He felt Evan’s hands in his hair as Evan’s lifted his groin, pressing deeper. Tucker found Evan’s balls and gently tugged.
“Oh, T. So good. Unh.”
Tucker pulled back, focusing on Evan’s head as Evan had done with him in the truck earlier. He squeezed at Evan’s shaft with one hand and his balls with the other, sucking on the tip like a shiny piece of candy.
“Seriously, T. Please don’t make me come yet. Just–just go lower instead.”
Tucker pulled back, face flush. His eyes were delirious, lust-drunk. He shook his head, regaining clarity. Evan lifted his legs and Tucker aided, pushing him up and licking places other than Evan’s cock. He licked big, sloppy laps at Evan’s balls, burrowing his face in the sack and breathing in their heady, musky scent. Then downward he went, lapping at Evan’s taint, tasting the salt of perspiration and feeling the seam there. When he reached Evan’s entrance, he closed his mouth over it, tongue swirling around the opening.
“Unh,” Evan gasped more than said. “That’s what I need, T. You. Right There.”
Tucker heard Evan’s breathy whispers but didn’t comprehend what he was saying. Instinct prevailed, and he now wanted his tongue not only on Evan, but in him. He pushed the slippery muscle past the breach and Evan’s legs wrapped around his head. Tucker forced him wider, encompassing the surrounding flesh, plunging his determined tongue deeper.
Evan squirmed on the bed, twisting ecstatically, clutching the bedspread, tilting his pelvis up for Tucker. Tucker held him easily, but etiquette was out the window. He snorted, devouring Evan’s nether regions like an animal, gluttonous and insatiable. The angel on his shoulder had fled the room, and the devil had never been happier.
Evan was on another plane, too. When the sensation was too much, he patted Tucker’s shoulders. “Whoa, there. Steady. Remember to breathe.”
Tucker came up, face red and looking feral. “I can’t get deep enough,” he said.
“It’s OK.” Evan handed Tucker the lube. “Use your finger.”
Tucker opened the lube and squeezed some of the clear jelly on his right forefinger. He reached between Evan’s legs and found his entrance again. He encircled it delicately a few times, then began easing the tip inside.
“Yeah,” Evan said. “Nice and slow.”
Tucker wasn’t looking down, though. His eyes were on Evan’s beautiful face. He wriggled his finger in a little further and watched Evan’s eyelids flutter with a sigh. In that moment, seeing the pleasure he’d induced was equal to, if not better than, an orgasm. Just holding Evan and pleasing him was the most fulfilling thing Tucker had ever experienced.