Page 10 of Big Britches
“Folks looking for love aren’t necessarily looking for a kid, Roz.”
“Why not? Two for the price of one.”
“Your optimism is charming, if not sound.”
“You should try it, T. Don’t knock the power of positive thinking.”
Titus grinned. He closed his eyes and raised the fingertips of one hand to his temple. “Oh, I can see it now…”
“Don’t be a smartass,” Roz turned her back to him, rinsing out her coffee cup.
“There’s a man,” Titus said, melodically, mock-prophesying. “A handsome stranger at my front door. Excuse me sir, he says, but I’m looking for a someone–a single man like me, preferably with a kid.”
“Now, you’re just being an ass.”
“Instant family–just add water.”
“I think it’s more than water you’re looking for.”
“There’s that too, Roz. Do you know how long it’s been since I–”
“Yes, I do.” She spun back, tossing a dish towel at him. “I see the empty lotion bottles in the trash. You ain’t exactly the moisturizing type.”
Titus’s face flushed red. “Sorry. I thought I was being discreet.”
“You are. But when people are around each other as often as we are, things are more… apparent.”
“I launder that stuff–hand towels and such–when you’re not around. I swear I do.”
“You better.”
“A man has needs, you know?”
“I do. I have one at home, remember?”
“It’s just–I don’t have any other way of taking care of business. Sometimes, just thinking about the possibility gets me all worked up inside.”
“OK. I’ve heard enough.” Roz went to the stove and turned it on. “You go swim your laps. Work off some of that business. I’ll make breakfast for the kids.”
“Yeah.” Titus glanced at the clock above the sink. “I guess it is about that time.”
He stood, took his plate to the sink, and washed it, using the towel Roz had thrown to dry it. Before he passed through the doorway to the hall, he turned.
“Thank you for all that you do for me and T. I mean it. I probably don’t say it enough.”
Roz smiled. “It’s unnecessary, but you’re welcome. Thank you for the opportunity. It’s been ideal, really. I get to see my best friend every day, and spend time with my daughter instead of using daycare. I get paid, I’m not punching a clock, and the scenery is beautiful. Truth be told, I’m gonna miss it—especially you and Tucker.”
“What will you do… after?”
“I haven’t given it much thought. I love kids. Maybe I’ll start a daycare. Run my own business like you and Alden.”
“I’d back you in a heartbeat. I know a solid investment when I see one.”
“That’s sweet of you to say. Who knows? Maybe I’ll take you up on it. The question is what are you gonna do?”
“Me?” Titus said, eyes wide. “Without you? I have no idea.”
“Me either. Because you, Big Britches, are a full-time job.”