Page 109 of Big Britches
As always, Titus gave in. And when he reached the heavens again, he took Pedro with him.
Epilogue 2015
20 YEARS LATER - JULY 25TH, 2015
“Would you please come away from that window? I don’t want Evan to think I’m marrying a pervert.”
Titus didn’t turn. He was peeking through a sliver in the sheers, watching Tucker and Evan in the pool. “I seem to remember a time when you liked me peeking out windows.”
“You were watching me then, not our son and his new boyfriend.”
“It’s too far to see anything. Besides, they’re just kissing.”
“I thought you couldn’t see anything.”
Titus glanced back at Pedro, who was reading in bed. “You know what I mean–just two shapes near each other. Besides, they’ll take it inside the guest house when things progress. You know Tucker as well as I do. He’s a gentleman, like his daddy.”
“I know what his daddy does with me in that pool and I’m convinced the water has semi-aphrodisiacal properties.”
“I don’t know what that means.”
“Yes, you do. I also think you might have a little crush on Evan.”
“It’s not a crush really–although, he is certainly easy on the eyes. I just love him so much for patching things up between me and Tucker.”
Pedro, glancing over his reading glasses, gave Titus an acknowledging smile. “He’s a precious young man. I’m thankful he came into Tucker’s life–all our lives. You were right in telling them they’re our greatest wedding present. However, as far as patching things up–well, to paraphrase L. Frank Baum, you had that power all along, my dear. Now, please come away from that window before they see you spying on them.”
Titus obeyed and got into bed. Pedro removed his glasses, placing them atop his copy of All the Light We Cannot See, on the nightstand. He turned out the light and snuggled backward into the spoon he knew would be there for him. “We have another son, you know?”
“Don’t remind me.”
“Do you not see a pattern here?”
“How so? I reconciled with the son I overlooked for years in favor of his adopted brother. I didn’t neglect Javy, though. Just the opposite. I gave him everything. Now, he’s missing our wedding tomorrow because he’s out gallivanting in Europe.”
“And here you are, laying the foundation for a wall between you two.”
“It hurts, P.”
“I know. I feel it too. But Javy’s smart. He already knows he screwed up. And when he eventually comes home, are you going to forgive him?”
Titus’s silence went on for a little too long. Pedro continued. “This is what I mean by pattern. You can’t favor one over the other, T. Love them equally, good and bad. Tucker forgave you for it, and the weight you bore was gone. You have to forgive Javy, too, or you’re just starting all over again. My recommendation is to let it go now. Don’t let it fester. That’s what I’ve done.”
“You’re stronger than me.”
“It’s just a wedding.”
Titus sighed, his breath warm on Pedro’s neck. “Yes, it is. A wedding we’ve waited twenty years for. A wedding that wasn’t even legal until last month.”
“People miss weddings all the time. It doesn’t mean they don’t love you.”
“He’s family, P.”
“Go deeper. What’s the real reason you’re feeling this resentment?”
Titus grew quiet, thinking. When he spoke, his tone had leveled, less emotional. “I think it’s because Javy could be here and chose not to, when so many others I wish were here don’t have that opportunity.”
“Because they’re no longer with us?”