Page 111 of Big Britches
“Um, I know we said we were like virgins when we met, but I’m not sure we can pull that off a third time.” Titus stroked at the hair on Pedro’s chest with the back of his hand. “Besides, I think I may have a little bit of the wedding jitters myself. I need something to take the edge off.”
“I see. Second thoughts?”
“Hell no. Not about you. I’m talking about the wedding itself. There’s going to be a lot of folks at this shindig tomorrow. Anything could go wrong. Maybe we should have just eloped.”
“Titus Shepherd, do you hear what you’re saying? The instant you heard about the Supreme Court decision last month, you’ve been planning the biggest gay wedding possible. It’s way too late to back out now.”
“You’re right.” Titus reached low, taking Pedro’s cock in hand. “Maybe I’m just trying to get in your pants.”
“That’s entirely believable. You want to know what else is believable?”
Titus pressed his lips to Pedro’s, whispering through a kiss. “What’s that?”
“That I’ll let you. You know I can’t resist. Never could.”
“I’ll make it good, and then we’ll sleep, and then we’ll get married tomorrow.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
So, they made love, nice and gentle. When it was over, they spooned again, and soon Titus was snoring softly in Pedro’s ear.
But Pedro couldn’t sleep. It wasn’t the jitters, as Titus had claimed. But something had been troubling him for most of the day. Nothing serious, just a restless thought in the periphery that he was forgetting something.
He slipped out from Titus’s arms, found his robe, and went downstairs. In the den, amongst the bookshelves, was a collection of framed photographs. Many were of Tucker as a child, but there was one of Javy at graduation, and others of various friends and family. He saw one of Titus and Alden in their football gear, and another of a comically wide-eyed Barb being kissed on the cheek by Roz. There was a family dinner picture with Truman, Patricia, and Alejandra, Tucker looking angelic between his two grandmothers. Pedro reached to the rear, past a picture of Shelly sitting on Titus’s shoulders in the pool, and found the one he was looking for.
It was a prom picture of Titus and Violet. Her smirk in this photo had always amused Pedro. Whenever he saw it, he always imagined that her knowing expression conveyed a passing of the torch, her handing Titus over to him. He’s a lot, she seemed to say. But if you can handle it, he’s worth it.
He took the picture over to the desk and sat down. The backing of the frame slid easily from its grooves and Pedro lifted the corrugated spacer from behind it and found a yellowed piece of folded paper beneath. It was the letter she had written to Titus before she died. Titus had let him read it years ago, then had placed it in the frame for safe keeping.
Pedro read the letter again, sitting at the desk. Tears came a few times, especially at the mention of Tucker. When he was done, he set the letter to the side, opened the drawer, and took out a piece of paper and a pen.
He wrote for about twenty minutes, pausing for thought when needed. Once he was done, he reread what he had written, gave a satisfied smile, and signed it. He then took Violet’s letter, placed it with his own, folded them together, and put them back into the frame.
He stood and went to return the photo to its place on the bookshelf. As he did, Pedro saw one he’d missed earlier. He picked it up.
It was from the summer of 1995, a month after they’d met. In it, he and Titus were standing in the backyard with Tucker raised between them. All three were smiling big and joyful. It was a beautiful image captured by Roz–the beginnings of a family and the essence of pure love.
Pedro sighed contentedly. He set the picture back down on the shelf, turned out the light, and went back upstairs to bed, slipping between the sheets and back into Titus’s welcoming arms.
Sleep came fast and sound.
Dear Violet,
We have never met formally, but you gave me the most precious gift I’ve ever received. I just wanted to tell you that I love Titus with all my heart and cannot imagine my life without him. The same goes for Tucker, who has grown into a fine young man. He’s big, too, but not as big as Titus. His hair is still blond, and he has his father’s eyes but your smile. In that way, I guess I do know you a little.
Everything you wished has come true. Titus is in a loving relationship with me, and we’re getting married tomorrow. I know you’ll be there, in Tucker, but I hope you’re also present in me. Nothing would please me more than to know you’re seeing your husband through my eyes and experiencing the joy you’ve brought to us both.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Wherever you are, I hope you’ve found peace, and love, and happiness. I dream that one day we’ll all be reunited, and I’ll have the chance to meet you in person. I consider you a friend and someone that is near and dear to us all. But until then, I just wanted you to know that your boys are just fine.
They are my world.
Pedro Torres