Page 57 of Big Britches
In the shower, Titus broached the subject again.
“Move in with us,” he said. “Please?”
Pedro turned to face him, suds trailing down his chest from where Titus had been washing him. “You almost had me. The please kinda threw things off.”
“I don’t understand.”
“I know you don’t, and that’s part of it.”
“Tell me then. I’ll do whatever.”
“Turn around. Let me wash your back.” Titus complied, handing Pedro the soapy loofah. “First, so you know, my heart is saying yes. Absolutely. Do it. Move in with this wonderful man you’ve met and start a life together.”
Titus turned back. “Then listen to your heart.”
Pedro said nothing, scolding Titus silently with his eyes.
Titus lowered his gaze and faced away again.
Pedro reached up, squeezed the sponge, and began circling it between Titus’s shoulder blades. “My head is saying it’s too soon. I’m a stranger here. Not with you, though. Our bond may be fresh, but it’s real. I know that. Outside of my family, I’ve never felt connected to anyone as strongly as I have to you. It’s the situation that’s the conflict. You’re coming out of a closet that I’ve returned to–temporarily, anyway. I’m a gay Mexican in a foreign land–the southeastern United States, mind you–a place historically known for intolerance.”
“It’s not just the South, P. It’s everywhere.”
Pedro pinched Titus’s ass.
“Let me finish.”
“OK, OK.”
“I feel like I need a foundation of some kind–legal footing to protect me before I can ever be my true self in this country.”
“It’s not fair, P… to you or me. Or Tucker.”
“No. It’s not. But it’s reality.”
“How long would something like that take?”
“Naturalization? Years. Most of my worries hinge on that–Silas’s sponsorship, job security, residency, taxes… Tenure, so to speak.”
Titus turned to him again. “I can give you all that. You don’t have to work for him. You can live here and work at my printing company. I’ve never sponsored an immigrant, but I’m sure I could figure out how. Or is that–?”
“A conflict of interest? I don’t think so, but—” Pedro placed his hand on Titus’s chest. “I need to be outside, T. I know it sounds ridiculous. It’s a mental welfare kind of thing.”
“I get it. I’m a recluse, remember? It’s too bad I can’t marry you.”
“You would do that?”
“To keep you here? In a heartbeat.”
“That’s very sweet.”
Titus pulled Pedro close and kissed him. “You make me feel so alive again,” he said. “So happy, so horny–I just want you around 24/7.”
“I’ll consider it. I just need some time, OK?”