Page 8 of Return of the Alpha
“You told her?” Icry out.
“No! He smelled youon me and almost ripped my head off.”
“Whatever,” I say,stomping past him.
I don’t want to hearhis sorry explanations and I know I can’t deal with Peyton or herfather right now. I know this is going to be a complete shit showand I would prefer not to have my heart broken today. Not on mytwenty-first birthday.
Instead, I do theone thing I can think of, the only thing I can control. Ishift.
My paws hit theground just inside the tree line where no one can see and I’m offlike a shot. This is the only thing I know how to do. I run and rununtil my flanks burn and my lungs protest. When I stop, I findmyself on the cliff overlooking the entire area.
From here I can seethe town in the west and the Katu pack compound in the north. Iknow from all the other times I have been up here in the pastmonths that the waterfall is to the east and the city I grew up inis to the south.
I sit here in myshifted form as darkness descends and the moon rises to fill thesky with its light. I know I will have to make a choice eventually.Either leave the pack for good or return and lay bare the onlysecret I have been keeping from everyone. Not that it matters. Oncethey know the truth, I won’t be welcome anymore and the only homeand family I have ever known will be lost to me.
Those thoughtsfinalize what I will do and soon enough I am headed back to my packfor the last time. I won’t just disappear and leave peopleworrying. I also have a mate that needs to refuse me so we can bothmove on with our lives instead of pining for eternity.
I make my waythrough the forest a lot slower this time around, but it helps mestay calm. Once I reach the compound, I grab one of the robesSapphire has taken to hanging outside each gate. When shifters areemotionally charged or in a rush we tend to shred our clothesduring the shifting process. This way, no one has to walk throughthe compound naked. Originally, I thought it was a silly idea butright now I couldn’t be more grateful for her out-of-the-boxthinking.
Wrapping the whiteterry cloth fabric around myself, I walk through the compound withmy head held high. I don’t go home to change, there’s no pointafter all, instead making a beeline for Peyton’s house. I don’t getthe chance to knock before the door is opened and I am pulled intoa tight hug.
Once Peyton releasesme, she smiles brightly, holding me at arm’s length.
“I don’t care.Really. If you want my father as your mate I won’t stand in yourway.” She smiles while she speaks, giving me her blessing.
Her words grind thetiny pieces of my broken heart into dust that blows away with thebreeze. Stepping away from her, I take a deep breath and steadymyself before speaking.
“Is Caine here?”
“He’s in the kitchenwith my dad. Come on.” She waves me through, but she is no longersmiling. She knows something isn’t right.
I walk through thehouse I have been in a hundred times, a place that used to offer mecomfort and is now just another building. Keeping my breathingsteady, I fight my animal to remain in control. All I want is tosay my peace and get the hell out of here.
“April,” Caine sayswith a smile that quickly turns to a frown.
“Mate,” I heargrowling from the other side of the kitchen, but I don’t turn tolook at him.
This is going to behard enough without the image of him burned into my mind.
“I am here to tellyou the truth,” I say looking at the man I have accepted as myAlpha. “Afterward, you can do whatever you see fit, but I can’tkeep lying.”
“What are youtalking about?” he asks seriously.
I smile at him sadlybefore shaking my head. “It’s easier to show you.”
Letting my robe fallto the floor I shift. Now my secret is on full display.
Chapter Four
I want to pluckCaine’s eyes from his head as I watch my mate disrobe, her nudityon display for a split-second before the air around her shimmersand she shifts. I am struck speechless as I stare at her. I thoughtshe was beautiful the moment I saw her, but her animal ismagnificent.
Peyton takes a seatbeside her mate and smiles at her friend. “I was waiting for you toshow us.”
“You knew?” Iask.
“Everyone knows,”Peyton says with an eye roll. “She smells like a predator butdefinitely not wolf. Max will be happy to know he was right. Theguys have been taking bets.”