Page 49 of Claiming Charlotte
“Sorry I can’t hear you, try speaking up a little.”
I readied myself and placed the end of the pole against his asshole, and pushed in slowly.
“This is going to hurt,” I warned, shoving the pipe into his ass as far as I could. And when I couldn’t get it to go any further, I used both hands and all my body weight to slam it further into him. I fucked him hard with it, dragging it out before forcing it back in, until he was a bloody mess, and I was satisfied.
He couldn’t scream, but I imagined he would have if he didn’t have a cock in his mouth. And I could see the quiver of his anus as it took the intrusion. He was crying, at least, and for that I was successful. Rowan ripped his own mask off his face as I picked up the knife I’d discarded in my search for the pipe.
“Fucking christ, Lottie! That's enough,” Roe screamed my way.
I slammed the knife into the man’s chest, feeling bone and muscle give way to my rage before retreating and stabbing him repeatedly, I plunged my knife deep into his body as I stared at him. His blood painted me, and I could see the life leave him agonizingly, but still I continued, unable to stop. It was satisfying and I screamed it out against every crunch of bone. I didn’t want it to end. I wanted more. Vaguely, I heard Rowan calling my name, but I couldn’t shake the trance-like state I was in. I felt this man’s blood on my face and spilling onto my chest; I felt powerful.
Leaving the knife lodged in his heart, I turned to face Rowan. His face held an expression of shock, his eyes wide, and if I wasn’t mistaken, he looked scared. His hand was hovering over his cock, when he noticed me, he quickly straightened up and leaned against the wall, playing it off. I smeared the blood on my cheek and stalked toward him, smirking.
“If you’re the devil, what does that make me?”
“My wife Lottie, it makes you my fucking wife,” he groaned, tracing his finger down my neck as I swallowed thickly.? He grabbed me by the back of the neck and pulled me in for a sexy, seductive kiss. I returned it with fervor. I was exhausted and ready for sleep. Killing someone in cold blood would have its effect on me, and right now I was satisfied.
I wrapped my arm around Rowan’s torso, breathing his scent in as we snuggled together on the couch. Music played softly through the TV as we rested. I felt oddly satisfied knowing that the last man who’d hurt me was dead, and I was the one who ended it.
Guilt was creeping in on me, though. I never thought I’d be the kind of person to kill someone in cold blood, let alone torture and kill them. I’d never been a vengeful person. If someone wronged me, I’d just look the other way. But saying anything was never a thought. Somehow, I just couldn’t let go of what they did to me. It was the reason I allowed Rowan to hunt them down in the first place.
I’d given him my consent and thought it would make me feel better just knowing that they would all meet Rowan’s wrath, but I quickly discovered that it wasn’t good enough and I craved more. I craved my own satisfaction, and while it was there, I couldn’t mask my fear, reason, and morals that were now screaming at me. What have you done, you stupid girl?
“Is it supposed to feel better, Rowan?” I whispered, hoping he could shed some light on why I felt so sick.
I felt him shift under my grasp. “No, but it feels good, doesn’t it? In the moment, at least. Just let me handle things and you… take it one day at a time, okay?”
I nodded, temporarily placated by his words. “Okay.”
“I was scared of you, you know,” Rowan jested. “I’ll have to remember to keep myself in line, so I don’t fall to your hands. Fucking dick hurt watching that.”
I laughed. Leave it to Rowan to find humor in all of this. At least I knew I could be terrifying if I needed to be. That might come in handy somewhere down the line. When that would be, I wasn’t sure. But it was there if I needed it.
One of Roe’s favorite songs enveloped us with its melody and he stood, pulling me to my feet.
“Let’s dance,” he said, and he pulled me into a warm embrace as we swayed back and forth as he hummed to the beat.
I laid my head on his shoulder and let him lead me. These were the moments I lived for; quiet, intimate, loving. That was the Rowan I fell in love with. Smiling, I let him spin me before he pulled me back into his chest.
“You are the strongest woman I’ve ever met, Princess,” he said. “I love you, and I’m so sorry for not saying it enough.”
The stubble on his chin rubbed against me as he planted a warm kiss on the top of my head, and I lifted my head to return the gesture, my lips taking his in a soft, romantic kiss.
A few days later, I found myself walking side-by-side with Nicole, whom I’d barely had a moment with. I missed having normal moments with her, but I couldn’t help but feel like she’d known about Jason. How could she not know? She was still there, though, and she’d helped take care of me in those first days. She was there when I didn't trust anyone.
I was conflicted. Unsure what to think, I remained puzzled. She hadn’t made an effort to convince me one way or the other. Nicole seemed only to want to avoid the subject altogether. Yet here she was, asking me if I could join her on a walk like we used to do, and I knew what she wanted to talk about. I dreaded it. It would be the moment that either broke our friendship or fixed it, and my subconscious was leaning more toward the ending of something beautiful.
“I wanted to talk to you about Jace,” Nikki said, keeping her eyes on the path in front of us. I kept walking. “I feel like it’s my responsibility to apologize for what he did. I don’t think Roe will ever trust me again, and I’m afraid of losing you. You’ve been my best friend for my entire life, and I hope you know I’d never hurt you.”
I didn’t think Rowan was all that angry at Nikki, though. Whether or not he trusted her was a different story. He seemed to be returning to his normal self, and for that I was glad. He didn’t even seem angry at Jason anymore, and maybe I could follow suit. I didn’t need to hold a grudge against someone who didn’t directly hurt me.
“I’ve forgiven Jace for myself, but I’ll never forget what he’s done. He betrayed us, and he hurt Roe. He helped the Walkers infiltrate my home and forge a takeover. He’s a traitor, Nikki. But I want you to know that Roe will come around. You just have to prove yourself. And you should be warned that if Jace ever shows his face again, he will be dealt with accordingly. There will be no mercy,” I said coldly. It has to be this way.
Nikki nodded her head as tears came to her eyes. “I love you, Charlotte. I hope you know that I had no idea what Jace was up to. I’m one hundred percent a part of the Bennett Family, and if I’d known he was a snake I wouldn’t have allowed myself to fall for him.”
I searched her eyes and saw nothing but the truth. I could trust her and knowing that seemed to lift a dead weight off my shoulders. I felt lighter — more free— knowing that I had my best friend at my side again.