Page 88 of Claiming Charlotte
“Yes she does, the doors are closed but sometimes we hear you.”
“Alright.” I interrupted, shaking my head before she could go any further. Nobody is getting these, now hand them over and go to bed.” I demanded.
“Fine,” they said in unison as they trudged up the stairs. I looked at Charlotte, and she just shook her head.
“They are your kids..”
“Uh-huh, we should move our room, probably wasn't smart being in the middle of them, but I know you wanted to be close.” I mumbled.
“Or maybe we just put a bed in the basement,” she smiled. Her face turned serious and a worried expression painted her features.
“What's wrong, Princess?” I asked, moving a strand of hair from her face, and placed it over her shoulder.
“Roe, I was only kidding about the bodyguard thing, and I know I made you retire, but I can’t do this without you. What if he comes after the kids?”
A smirk crossed my features and I nodded. “You and me Lottie, always. Whatever you need me to do.”
I placed a kiss on her lips and we pulled away hearing Gracie’s soft whimpers on the baby monitor. “I’ll go take care of her.”
I nodded. Her form soon disappeared, and I looked down at the mask that once sat on my face. While I love retirement and raising my family, Lottie needed me, and so did the others. But another idea was already swirling around my head. I ran my thumb over the smooth surface with a smirk. Maybe, for now I could dust off my suits, and when the time was right, I could pass down the legacy.
I knew one thing for certain. Joshua was mine, and one day soon I would end him like all the others, he wasn’t stepping one foot near my family.
“You know Dad wants you nowhere near this right?” Casey chided. “Plus, you might break a nail Gracie-Poo,” he mocked.
He threw the apple at me and Gianna moved quickly to catch it, taking a bite.
“You know what’s funnier?” She cackled. “When dad finds out who she’s seeing.”
“What’s wrong with Micah?” I asked curiously.
I felt a presence behind me, and a hand clasp down on my shoulder. My father was a quiet, serious man, only talking to us or my mother; which was weird considering he’s a nurse, he should like speaking with people. He was the best dad though, whenever we needed him, he was there. Once he threw a plate full of food at an ex of Gianna’s when he told her she had too much food on her plate, then shoved the steak down his throat. Or, the time I was being harassed at a party on campus and Casey showed up with dad, let’s just say, now I was not allowed to go unless I had supervision. If it wasn’t one of my siblings, it was Lorenzo Vitale; Casey’s best friend.
Today my father was dressed in a white button up and a red tie. He had been dressing like that a lot lately and I wondered why.
“Can all of you meet me in your mother’s office?”
“Do you mean the attic?” Casey laughed, but my father was less than amused, staying silent with his lips pressed together in a tight line.
Quickly, the twins strode toward the stairs leaving the both of us to stand in silence. I smirked and held my hand out, allowing him to put the card in my hand.
“When are you going to find someone to do this to? That's not me.” He chuckled. “Maybe your ‘Amore,’ I’d be okay with you and him.”
“Better than Princess, poor Mom.” I giggled. “Lorenzo is just a friend, Casey’s friend, Never going to happen.”
“I was just a friend once too,” he smirked.
“Dad, when did you know…That you loved mom?”
“The first time I saw her,” he replied confidently. “She stood at the threshold of this home, scared to come in, and I put her chips into a bowl because she refused to eat them directly out of the bag. It’s the small stuff that counts Gracie; that’s what you should love and appreciate. And I was lucky enough to watch your mother grow into the woman she is; I almost lost her, but real love, it’s compassion, understanding, and most importantly, forgiveness.”
Forgiveness. Out of everything he had just told me, that was the word that stuck out. I never wanted to disappoint him, I just wanted to stay his little girl forever. And I’m afraid no man will ever measure up.
“You’re not a nurse, are you?” He smiled and rubbed his stubble with three of his fingers in reluctant thought.