Page 27 of Island Whispers
Fun, but unethical.
Dressed in loose cotton pants and a tank top, she headed for the kitchen. After a cup or three of coffee, she’d go down and find flowers to take over to family dinner this afternoon. She hadn’t seen her parents since the incident in Charleston, leaving Jess to tell them about the mess she’d made.
Honestly, it was a wonder they hadn’t descended on her at the shop. Nash hadn’t dropped in either.
It should not have taken her this long to realize Jess had worked a miracle, somehow convincing the family that Nina needed space, not smothering.
If she’d been inclined to skip out on family dinner this afternoon, she dismissed the idea. Her future sister-in-law deserved better. Her brother and parents too, really. Her biggest fear was that her mother would read between the lines when she saw Nina and Boone together.
So it was best to practice keeping all her needy thoughts hidden away. Preferably until after Spratt was caught and Boone reassigned.
Her good, platonic intentions were immediately challenged. Boone leaned against her counter near the coffee pot, jeans loose on his hips, no shirt or shoes. Her hands tingled, desperate for another exploration of his sculpted chest and abs. She could study his arms, the movement of his muscles from his hands to his shoulders, for hours.
Rattled, she pressed a hand to her jumpy stomach. “Morning.”
His eyes were warm—hot—and his lips curled. “Good morning. Sleep well?”
“Sure.” It was a white lie. She could usually pull those off, but he shook his head.
“You didn’t. I heard you tossing and turning.”
Now she felt guilty. The apartment was small and the bedrooms shared what must be a rather thin wall. “So you didn’t sleep well either?”
“I’m used to sleeping light.” His eyebrows pinched together. “When I’m on the job.” The coffee finished brewing and he poured himself a cup before moving to the table. He pulled out a chair, spun it around and straddled it. “What’s your schedule today?”
She busied herself with her coffee, even though it didn’t smell nearly as good as he did. The first item on her agenda was not to drag Boone to the nearest bed and spend the day making new sexy-time memories.
“My family will expect us to go over for dinner this afternoon. Around two.”
“All right.”
“Dad will want to grill something. Mom will handle the rest. I’ll take flowers.”
She raised her mug in a salute.
“And between now and then?”
She clamped her mouth shut before she suggested something they’d probably regret. “You decide,” she said. “We can relax here, or go… Somewhere.”
“I checked the weather. Looks like a good day for going somewhere.” He smiled. “I’d love to see more of the island.”
Predictably, that smile sent her heart into dizzying spins. It would be smart to get out of the apartment and her willpower could use the boost. Out in public, she would have to behave herself.
“For security or…”
He set his coffee mug down with a firm clink. “Nina. I’m not playing games here. I think it’s obvious I like being with you. If it’s not equally clear, I’m still very much attracted. To you,” he emphasized. “Given a choice, I’d gladly spend the day in bed with you.”
She was pretty sure her mouth was hanging open. “I…” She deliberately closed her mouth. Swallowed all the immediate reactions. Taking a slow sip of her coffee, she ordered her brain to come back online. Any cooperation was rendered useless while she resisted the urge to scamper off to the bathroom as her stomach rejected the caffeine.
“I said the wrong thing,” he muttered. He ran his hand across the whiskers shading his jaw. “Frankly, I don’t want to hold back because—” He stopped short.
Unable to meet his gaze, she stared into her coffee. “Because you’re afraid I won’t be around to listen later,” she finished for him.
“Yes. That.”
His gaze was so somber her heart ached. “I’m sorry,” she said after a long moment. “I can’t really explain why I did that.”