Page 35 of Island Whispers
“Probably best to go over it once with Jess and be done.”
She sighed. Maybe that meant this entire mess would be over. Except he’d said Spratt was still loose. Free to stir up more trouble for her and anyone else unlucky enough to become a target.
She was too anxious to chat on the short drive and by the time they reached Jess’s office, she felt lightheaded. Annoyed with herself, she took a couple of deep breaths before she got out of the truck.
“Nina.” Boone was in front of her and she hadn’t even noticed his approach. “We’re not going to let anything bad happen. Not to you, not to the people you care about.”
Her gaze found his and she realized with a jolt that he was on that list too. She didn’t want anything to happen to Boone, even if stopping trouble was his job. She should tell him that. Tell him she wanted him to be safe. Maybe Jess could assign a different bodyguard, just to keep Boone out of harm’s way. The best way to protect him would be sending him far away. Too bad the idea only upset her more.
She was in serious trouble here. This was more than a simple physical attraction. They might’ve met over a shared taste in music, but her feelings for him went deeper. After barely a week of knowing his name.
Typical move, falling for a guy who was clearly out of reach. Not literally right this moment, but travel was at the top of his job description.
“I’m a mess,” she grumbled. “Sorry.”
“You’re doing great,” he insisted, walking her into the office.
She’d have to take his word on that. It seemed like a lifetime since she’d walked into this office, feeling afraid and alone. The past days only emphasized just how much help and support she did have. She reached for Boone’s hand, lacing her fingers through his.
Jess stood, her eyes dropped to their joined hands as she rushed forward. But she didn’t comment on the clearly personal connection as she hugged Nina. “I’m so sorry to drag you over here.”
“It’s fine.” Nina attempted a smile. “Especially if Spratt’s been found.”
“We’re closer.” Jess urged them both to sit in the chairs in front of her desk.
“Spratt was recognized on the ferry,” Jess began. Her jaw firmed and it was obvious she had worse news to share. “The Guardian Agency research team has been combing through every available surveillance camera we can tap into.”
“Because?” Boone prompted.
“We haven’t found how Spratt got to Brookwell. While he was on the ferry, he didn’t ever disembark here.”
Nina didn’t fight the tremor that skittered down her back. “But you’re sure he was on the island?”
“Yes,” Jess replied. “As sure as I can be.”
“Does the Charleston PD have anything to go on?” Boone asked.
Jess shook her head. “They lost him. We’re all running facial recognition programs, but they aren’t as instantaneous as we’d like to believe.”
Nina’s breath caught in her chest. This wasn’t right. She didn’t do anything wrong. This guy was seriously disturbed. “What did he do while he was here?”
“He didn’t come anywhere near you or your shop. Your home,” Jess explained. “We have every inch of Central covered by surveillance.”
Jess closed her eyes for a moment. When she opened them, Nina could see there was more bad news. “Learning he was here, I drove all over the island today.”
Boone’s hand, still linked with hers, tightened. “What are you two not telling me?”
“We found graffiti at the nursery. Trash cans were upended over at Molly’s place. And some of the landscaping around Nico and Roxy’s home was vandalized.”
Her parents had been targeted, as well as her assistant. It was untenable. She pulled away from Boone’s grasp, suddenly afraid that everyone she touched would become a victim. “He’s making a point.”
“I don’t have any solid proof it was Spratt,” Jess admitted. “None of those specific places were within sight of a surveillance camera.”
“Which is why he chose those areas.” Boone shoved to his feet.