Page 56 of Island Whispers
“I’m sorry,” he murmured.
Easing back, she studied his face, smoothing the furrows creasing his forehead. “For what?”
“Passing out.” His jaw clenched and it took him a second before he met her gaze. “Leaving you to fend for yourself.”
She kissed him again. “That’s not what happened.” His gaze slid away. “Boone. Look at me.” She waited, aching over the self-recrimination in his gaze. “You didn’t leave me. You didn’t relent until backup arrived. I didn’t even know you were hurt until…” Until it was almost too late. “It’s a miracle you held up for so long.” He’d lost so much blood. “Let’s be clear.” She clutched his hand between hers and brought those bruised knuckles to her lips. “You’re my hero.”
“Nina.” It was a sigh, a plea, and she thought there might even be a flicker of hope in the mix.
“Don’t you dare try to downplay it, Boone. Without you, I’d be—”
“No,” he cut her off. “I wouldn’t have let him hurt you.”
“That’s exactly my point.” Her smile felt as fragile as the rest of her. “You’re my hero,” she repeated. Her miracle. And the father of the miracle growing inside her.
“Am I interrupting?”
Nina and Boone both looked to the door and she knew immediately that this was his sister. The siblings shared the same coloring as well as the same smile.
“The nurse said I could come on in.”
Boone sputtered. “Who called you?”
Nina waved her closer. “Please, come in.” She reached for her purse, tugging it over her shoulder. “Have a seat. I’ll let you two get caught up.”
“Nina?” Boone coughed. “Nina, hang on. This is my sister, Becky.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Nina said, meaning it.
With tears in her eyes, Becky pulled her into a hard hug. “Thank you for being here for him.”
“Of course.” She stepped out of the embrace. “Whatever y’all need, Jess said to give her a call. She, um, can coordinate everything.”
Boone scowled at her, the expression intensified by the bruising on his face. His gaze shifted to his sister. “Jess called you?” Becky nodded. Though Boone was weak, the command in his voice was coming back. “I’m fine, sis. Just a bad day at the office.”
Nina held those words close as she slipped out of the room to give the siblings privacy.
Chapter 15
Boone was on his third lap of the hospital corridor, smiling at everyone to hide his increasing frustration. He was fine. There were twinges around his wounds, but he’d been through enough to recognize it was part of healing. For three days now, he’d aced his physical therapy sessions and proved he could get around on his own. Still, they wouldn’t clear him to leave and his sister was too attentive for him to sneak out.
Three days with no sign of Nina.
He had to get out of here. Had to see her.
They had things to discuss and she’d ghosted him.
Did she really believe he’d let that stand? She had to know better. Even if his sister hadn’t found the pregnancy tests in the bathroom, he wasn’t going to let her walk away from the good thing they had going.
More like perfect. He knew it and had to believe Nina knew it as well. They were meant for each other. In his mind, the pregnancy only confirmed—possibly rushed—the inevitable. They’d had one incomparable night and fate had given him a second chance when she needed professional protection. Nina had to know better than to mess with that kind of karma.
If she didn’t, he planned to straighten her out. Finding her, talking to her, proposing to her was all Boone thought about while he waited for the docs to declare him well enough to leave.
Becky was helping—to an extent. After she’d found the pregnancy tests in the bathroom, she’d pulled the whole sordid story out of Boone. And now she was constantly brainstorming extravagant, over-the-top romantic gestures.
Nina deserved romance, especially from him. But she’d resist something big and showy. She wouldn’t want to be the spectacle that fed that island grapevine.