Page 60 of Island Whispers
“I won’t shut you out,” she said. “We can keep everything legal and civilized.”
Civilized? Sounded like hell to him, but he nodded along. “If that’s what you want.”
She went absolutely still. Boone wasn’t even sure she was breathing. Until she simply launched to her feet and started shouting.
“What I want?” She shook her head and her hair came loose, flying in the breeze. “Does it even matter at this point?”
“Yes.” She was everything. Providing for her, making sure she got what she wanted and needed would become his sole focus.
“Brace yourself, Boone. I didn’t want any of this.” She swiped a tear from her cheek and glared at him. “Not like this. I want to fall in love, plan a wedding with flowers brides will envy for decades.”
Boone was making mental notes, they could still do all of that.
“I want to have children. More than one,” she emphasized. “With a husband who loves me. I want that life to be here.”
“Then that’s what you’ll have.”
She shook her head again. “You don’t get it. That ship has sailed. The whispers will swallow me whole when news of this baby gets out. Oh, it won’t affect my contracts or the tourism, but socially this will follow me the rest of my life.”
“You want me to go away?” he suggested. She stared, so he continued. “You could pretend we had an incredible love affair and I died on a job before the wedding of your dreams.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. I can’t lie that well.” Her hand drifted to her abdomen. “I won’t lie to your baby.”
“Our baby.” He lumbered to his feet, ignoring the pinch of his healing wounds, and pulled her close. Swaying gently, her arms came around him and he smiled to himself. She needed a reminder of where they started, how good they were together. On a dance floor, in bed, at work, or in a fight for their lives. She rested her head on his shoulder and he tempered the surge of hope.
“I think you’re in love already,” he said. “With me.”
She snorted.
“Call it fate or karma or divine intervention, but maybe our bodies knew something before our hearts. Some of the best things in life don’t happen in what we think is the right order.” He glided his hands up and down her back. “We moved in sync when Spratt attacked. Did you notice?”
She pulled back to study his face, an adorable frown creasing her brow. “We did. I hadn’t thought about it because I was so mad about your injury.”
“Mad, worried, it’s all part of the same bucket called love.”
She wrinkled her nose. “Stop telling me what I feel.”
“Fair.” He wanted to kiss her so badly. Better to let her make the next move. “I love you, Nina Billings. I’m not confused. I don’t feel obligated to say the words. It’s not lust or wishful thinking. It’s love. Simple, enduring. Forever. I heard what you want and though I can’t fix this particular timing, I can give you the rest. Whether it’s next week or next year, we can have the wedding brides will envy. I’d be honored to be the husband who loves you and gives you more children.”
“Boone. We can’t—”
He cut her off. “I mean it, Nina. With everything I am. I’ll stay here until you’re convinced.”
“I believe you.” She caught his face in her hands and a smile bloomed. A smile full of joy even as tears danced on her dark eyelashes. “We can’t have a wedding next year. I won’t give the gossips that much to chew on.”
“Is that a yes?” For a minute he feared this was all an elaborate dream. “You’ll marry me?”
She kissed him and he knew it was real. Right here, with the sun setting and the ocean drumming and his heart full, it was real. Better than anything he or Becky could’ve dreamed up.
“Yes. I love you, Boone. And not because you told me I did.”
He laughed and hugged her tight. “You were afraid.”
She sighed. “I was,” she admitted. “But never again. Not with you beside me.”
“Let’s go tell your parents.”
“And your sister.” Nina beamed. “Nash and Jess too.”