Page 9 of Island Whispers
There she was. The woman he’d been searching for these past weeks.
His fingers tingled with the memory of her dark, wavy hair sliding like silk though his hands. The scent of lilies and roses teased his nose and his entire body snapped to attention, desperate to stake a claim.
He wrestled with self-control and common sense. He wouldn’t expose their connection without her permission.
Jess rushed forward, pulling the woman into a hug and fussing over her a bit before shaking the man’s hand.
With deliberate nonchalance, Boone rolled to his feet and waited for introductions.
Jess introduced Boone first to Logan, then Nina. “Boone Reynolds, this is Nina Billings. Your new charge.”
“Charge?” Nina asked.
“The person I’m in charge of safeguarding,” Boone explained. “Unless you prefer another term?” He extended his hand, confident his expression was cool and composed as always. “Pleasure to meet you, Nina.”
She didn’t shake his hand, only stared at him as if the shock was just too much. Or maybe she was afraid of the bomb he could set off in her life. In the past few minutes, he’d learned she was a private person, definitely keeping some of her more personal interests from her family.
He would never do that, especially not to a client under his protection. Trust was the necessary foundation for a successful, cooperative arrangement.
“Likewise,” she managed at last. “Forgive me.”
Was she asking forgiveness for walking out on him or for the shock and awkwardness right now? He figured they would have time to sort that out.
Chapter 3
Nina felt sick. And a little mad that the universe was attacking her from all angles today. What had she done? Her entire life she’d made good choices, made her parents proud, and cultivated good friends in her personal and business life.
Ugh. She really did take the good-girl thing to new heights.
At least here on the island.
Her gaze tangled with the man standing in front of Jess’s desk. What she did in Charleston was supposed to stay in Charleston. Thankfully, she wasn’t on the verge of tears. Crying or puking in front of her new official protector would be the worst kind of embarrassment.
Because he wasn’t a stranger. She might not have known his name, but she’d learned his body well enough.
Her cheeks were hot as the memories rushed back and she felt conflicted. Thinking about one of the best dates in her life was way better than the unsettling idea of being targeted by an escaped felon.
The man standing there, pretending he didn’t know her at all, had given her one of the best dates of her life. Not to mention the soul-shaking pleasure.
And she’d been too afraid to stick around. Her feelings had been too big and sharp to be real. The emotions had tested her and she’d failed, certain that he would want more than she could give.
Fearful that if she’d stayed, she wouldn’t be able to walk away.
She pressed a hand to her queasy stomach and he tracked the motion, his eyebrows snapping together over his slightly crooked nose. “Are you all right?”
That nose. Why did she find it so appealing? He was handsome, with a rugged edge that just spurred a bone-deep longing. His interesting features were addictive. She’d been right to walk out before she lost herself in him.
The way he said her name sent a shiver straight through her. She waved off the question. “I’m fine. This… None of this is...” She needed to pull herself together and follow his lead as he stood here treating her like a stranger. “It’s just been a hell of a day and it’s not even noon.”
“And there’s more to do,” Jess interjected.
Boone gestured toward the chair and urged her to take a seat. She might have been offended, but she was too weary to bother.
Logan, the man who had escorted her back to the island, looked to Jess. “Anything more for me?”
“Not right now,” Jess replied. “If you could keep us in the loop on any progress they make in recovering the prisoner, that would be great.”