Page 101 of Love Marks
I’m still in awe — The Phoenix had a cool atmosphere and I liked hanging out with Manny, but I never thought the food was anything to write home about. It’s clear that Rita has her sights set on greatness when it comes to the culinary arts.
“Some guy is here to see you,” Annette jerks her head towards me as she enters the kitchen, two other servers trailing behind her.
I furrow my brow. “Me?”
“Yes, you. He’s standing out front looking weirdly suspicious. In a trench coat and sunglasses and everything.” Before I can ask for more information, Annette sweeps back into the dining room.
I shoot Rita a pleading glance and she waves me out, giving me permission, so I untie my apron and cut through the restaurant to the front.
Annette’s right. There’s a man standing in front of the hostess stand — tall, brunette by the looks of it, though it’s hard to tell under the baseball cap and raised collar of his coat. He’s wearing dark sunglasses and shifting on his feet, glancing left and right.
I approach him, leaving a good amount of distance between us.
“Hello?” I say, half-question. The man rips his sunglasses off and it’s—
He grabs my arm and jostles me towards the corner, where we’re slightly hidden by a curtain.
“What are you doing? Let go of me,” I rip my arm from his grip.
“Oh, calm down. You’re fine.”
I look him up and down. “What the hell are you wearing?”
Ben just smirks down at me, a devious grin spread over his face. He looks just like Wes when he smiles. “I’m incognito. Don’t want my brother spotting me.”
“Why? What’s the big secret?”
“It’s Wesley’s birthday this weekend.”
I rear back, my mouth dropping. “What? When? Why wouldn’t he tell me?”
“Because he hates his birthday.” Ben glances around the corner dramatically and I have to stop myself from rolling my eyes. “Blame our dad. He’s to blame for pretty much everything.”
I blink, still processing that Wesley’s birthday is only a few days away. “Okay, well, thank you for telling me. When is it?”
“Saturday. May 19th.”
“He’s a Taurus?” I realize. “How did I not know that? It makes so much sense. Oh shit. I have to figure out what to get him.”
Ben snaps his fingers in my face. “Spiral about that later. I came here to tell you that we’re throwing him a surprise party.”
I raise an eyebrow. “You just said he hates his birthday.”
Ben just shrugs. “Oh, come on, it’ll be fun. We’ll toast to Wesley, you can meet his friends, I can meet your friends. It’s a party!”
I deaden my expression. “I don’t have any friends.”
“I knew you and Wesley had a lot in common.”
“This really doesn’t sound like a good idea.”
Ben just smirks at me again, a glint in his eye that must be a family trait. “Too bad. You’re going to help me plan it.”
I am terrible at keeping secrets, which is why Ben’s plan has made it nearly impossible for me to be around Wesley. I’ve spent this whole week avoiding him and I’m pretty sure he can tell.
The worst part about the plan is that it hinges on my execution of it. I’ve already laid the groundwork with Wesley by convincing him to bring me to his apartment where everyone will be waiting for us.