Page 122 of Love Marks
“Like I said, to congratulate you. I saw the announcement about the expansion and your recent acquisitions. You’re doing much better than I expected.”
Perhaps the closest thing to a compliment he’s ever given me.
“I see you’re finally putting your energy where it belongs. Not quite at my level yet, son, but you’re getting there.”
I can’t do this right now. Can’t listen to his voice. Can’t breathe through the burning rage that threatens to erupt if he says another word to me.
The words are coming before I can stop them. “Listen to me. Do not fucking call me again. I have zero interest in having any sort of relationship with you on any level. I’m buying you out of your shares of the company unless you want a never-ending legal nightmare with me, and when you get out of rehab, don’t even think about contacting me, or I will get a restraining order against you.”
My chest is rising and falling with an intensity I can’t seem to control. All I can hear is my dad’s dark chuckle from the other line.
“Wow. Nice speech.” He laughs again like he’s genuinely delighted by my words. “Practice that one in the mirror this morning? Finally figured out how to fit into your big boy pants?”
I practically growl. “I’m not fucking around. Never call me again. Name a number and I’ll pay it, so long as you never contact me, mom, or Ben. Ever. Again.”
It’s silent for a moment before he speaks, his voice serious again. “I’ll get back to you.”
“Did you not hear me? Don’t fucking call me again. You can go through my assistant.” I hang up the phone, my heart racing. Adrenaline is pumping through my veins, and I can feel my hands shaking.
I should feel…something. Relieved? Upset? All I can feel is the cold press of anger against my ribs. How long have I wanted to tell my father exactly what I think of him, right to his face, and instead, when I finally worked up the courage, all I wanted was for him to disappear. To never have to hear his voice again.
My head drops into my hands, heavy and resigned. What I wouldn’t give to feel Quinn’s hand wrap around the back of my neck, to feel her fingers twirling through the tips of my hair. But that’s not going to happen. She’s not here. She’s gone.
* * *
I finally work up the courage to go visit my mom after Ben’s phone call.
When I get to the Soho apartment, I can already tell something’s up. It’s not until I step inside that I realize the walls are bare. My mother sits in the middle of the room, her feet propped up on a box.
I glance around at the half-empty room. “What’s going on?”
My mother just shrugs. “I sold the apartment. I got it in the divorce but to be honest, there’s nothing here but memories. I’m going to France.”
“You sold the apartment?” I can’t believe it. “Wait, France?”
She smiles softly. “I met a woman at the knitting store who has a house there. She agreed to rent it to me for six months. I’ll figure the rest out.”
I shake my head, processing what’s happening. “I talked to Dad. He’s gone for good this time. He won’t be bothering you or Ben anymore.”
She stands and crosses to me and before I can move, her arms are circling around me in a hug. I let myself wrap my arms around her, cherishing this embrace. We haven’t hugged in a long time.
“Oh, Wes. I’m so proud of you. I know I don’t tell you enough, but you’ve done such a good job taking care of us. Taking care of the family, the business.”
She pulls back from me and there are tears gathering in her eyes. “I’m sorry I didn’t protect you from your father. I was blinded by love and greed and…well, there’s no excuse. You’re my son and I should have been there for you.”
I shake my head. “You were. You are.”
“No, I let him bully you. Bully all of us.” She shakes her head, regret clouding her features. “But darling, you’ve turned out better than I ever could have imagined. You never once let his ugliness infect you. You’ve stayed my bright spot through it all.”
I blink back the wave of emotions crashing through me. Fuck. Did Ben tell her to say this shit?
“I know you want to take care of everything, Wesley, and you have.” She glances around at the empty room, the place we both called home for so long. “But sometimes love means letting go.”
* * *
“Uncle Wes!” Luna comes bounding towards me, her arms outstretched. The other children from her class stumble out of the school towards their families.
I scoop her up and twirl her in my arms. “Hey, Loon.” She giggles and I put her down, slipping her tiny backpack through my arm.