Page 49 of Love Marks
“I want to,” I insist. She meets my gaze and I hold steady, hoping she sees something that makes her say yes.
“Alright.” She nods, putting her bag down. “Okay. Breakfast.” She says the word like she’s hearing it for the first time. At her agreement, I smile, grinning so hard it almost hurts. I wipe it off quickly.
“Yes. Breakfast.” I smirk. “Let me just change really quick,” I say, squeezing her arm briefly and walking back towards my room.
I really need to stop touching her.
Breakfast? Where the hell did that even come from? And that almost-kiss. For a second there, I was stupid enough to think she’d want that. She pulled away so fast I would’ve blinked and missed it. And now we’re about to go to breakfast, when what I really need is a cold shower and to get far away from her before I lose myself completely.
Chapter 23
Breakfast. Wesley Marks is taking me to breakfast.
My mind has been spinning since I woke up. I seriously should have taken the train home last night. If I’d known I’d wake up to this Wesley — apologetic, sweet, soft-spoken, — I’d have run far, far away. This Wesley is much more dangerous than cold, distant Wesley.
This is your boss, idiot!
Right. Except that it really seemed like he might kiss me at one point there. He looked kind of…well, angry. But he definitely touched me. I don't think I could forget the feeling of his hands on me even if I tried. I wish he'd do it again. My skin is buzzing like I'm waiting for it.
Snap out of it!
I take a deep breath, trying not to remember his deep eyes boring into mine. How troubled and clouded his expression looked when he apologized. I don't know what came over me then. I should have been angry, but it was like I had this need to get that look off his face at any cost.
This is bad.
Despite the voice in my head scolding me, all I can think about is that smile. Seeing it once was not enough. I need to see it again to make sure I didn’t imagine the way it spread across his face, creating dimples that lit up his face like magic. If I’m not careful, Wesley’s smile will be my new addiction.
“Hey, sorry I took so long. I’m ready.” His gruff voice interrupts my spiraling. I turn to face him. He’s changed into dark jeans and a white t-shirt, his wet hair hanging in front of his face. He runs his hand through it, tugging the strands out of his face and grinning a little.
I am going to die.
Calm down, Quinn. You've seen attractive men before. You've slept with attractive men before! Why should this one be any different? I can keep it together for one meal.
“Quinn?” Wesley prompts me and I realize I’m just standing there staring at him.
“Yes! Ready.”
He nods and we walk towards the elevator together in silence and he pushes the button.
“There’s a diner I like in Midtown East. Is that okay?” He pushes his hands into his pockets.
Since when does Wesley Marks ask if something is okay?
“Sure. Sounds great.” I expected him to take us to some fancy brunch place in Soho with $25 buttered toast. The elevator doors open right as my phone buzzes. He steps in and I follow, glancing down to see my mom is calling.
“Are you going to answer that?” Wesley asks, pointing to my phone.
“Um.” I try to think of some valid reason for why I shouldn't answer the phone, but my brain is just static.
I pick up the phone and press it to my ear. “Hello?”
“Hi, sweetheart! I got your message. Is everything okay? Are you at Sannika’s?”
“No, everything’s fine. I stayed at a friend’s place. You don't know them.”
My eyes flicker over to Wesley, who is watching me with his lips slightly curled.