Page 63 of Love Marks
“Let’s hope you can keep up with me today,” I say, stepping in time with him as we jog towards the running path.
Ben rolls his eyes. “It’s not my fault you’re going to the gym like eight times a week these days. Some of us have children and wives to deal with.”
“Yeah, well some of us have the pent-up sexual frustration of a ninth grader,” I grumble.
“Pretty sure that’s just you.”
I shove Ben and he stumbles a little to the side and keeps in step with me.
“Please, for the love of God, just sleep with her already.”
“I’m not going to do that.”
“You’re ridiculous. Why don’t you call one of your ex one-night stands? I’m sure they’d be more than eager for another round with the Wesley Marks,” Ben teases.
“Because meaningless sex doesn’t satisfy me anymore. I’m not 25, dude.”
Ben nods, picking up his pace to keep up with me. “Yeah, I know what you mean. Wasn’t it easier back before we developed emotional intelligence?”
I slow down. “I really like this girl. I just don’t want to fuck it up more than I already have.” Ben puts his hand on my shoulder and we both stop.
“Listen, Wes. I know I give you a hard time, but you’re a good guy. Quinn wouldn’t have stuck around if she didn’t think the same. Alright? Just man up and ask her out.”
I consider Ben’s words. “I’ll think about it.”
Ben nods, patting my shoulder. “Good. And I’ll come by this week to finally meet the infamous Quinn.” He takes off running and I follow him, shaking my head.
* * *
Ben stays true to his word. It’s Wednesday night and Quinn is finishing up dinner when he texts me that he’s downstairs. I decide to meet him down there and I find him in the lobby.
“This place is ridiculous,” he says as I bring him to the private elevator.
“You say that every time you come over.” I shake my head. “What’s so ridiculous about it?”
“It’s like The Plaza on cocaine. It’s too much. The next hotel you build should be simpler. Humble, even.”
We step into the elevator. “Listen to me. Don’t say anything to Quinn, alright? I’ll just introduce you guys and we can hang out in my room or somewhere out of her way.”
Ben nods, smiling a little too wide. “Sure, sure.”
We step out of the elevator into the suite. Quinn’s in the kitchen with her headphones in, so I approach her and put my hand on her shoulder. She jumps and pulls her headphones out.
“Sorry!” She lets out a breath. “I thought you left.”
“I was just grabbing Ben downstairs. Quinn, this is my brother, Ben. Ben, Quinn.” I gesture between them as Ben walks closer with his hand outstretched.
“It’s nice to finally meet you, Quinn. I’ve heard so much about you,” Ben says and my head snaps towards him. He’s wearing his award-winning smile, the one he uses in court. Asshole.
Quinn shakes his hand, a little dazed. “Wesley talks about me?” She looks over at me, her eyes sparkling. “All bad, I’m sure.”
“Just the opposite.” Ben drops his hand and glances over at the cutting board. “What are you making here?”
“Oh.” She shrugs and waves her hand. “It’s a sweet potato and kale faro bowl with pine nuts. Are you hungry?”
“Sure. Looks good.” Ben goes over to the fridge and opens it, grabbing a beer.
I turn to Quinn. “I know it’s late, but would you like to join us for dinner?”