Page 87 of Love Marks
It’s quiet and I manage a glance in her direction to see her staring down at her hands, looking deep in thought.
“Which is good, because you’ve got enough for the both of us.” I grin wolfishly, bringing us back into safer territory. She scowls but laughs, and we settle into a conversation about the restaurant, how I got involved with it, and other properties I’m thinking of buying or co-owning.
When we get to the restaurant, I pull the car over and give the valet my keys, coming around to open the door for Quinn, but she’s already clamoring out and smoothing her dress out.
I reach for her arm and lean down to murmur in her ear. “You’re supposed to let me be a gentleman, please.”
“I don’t know. I think caveman might be more your style.” She shoots me a grin, but settles into my embrace, letting me guide her towards the front. She doesn’t protest when I open the door for her and gesture for her to enter gallantly, or when I place my hand on the small of her back to guide her.
I lean down again to her ear. “You’re playing nice now.”
She looks up at me. “It feels good,” she says.
I pull Quinn’s chair back for her and let her sit, then settle across from her, smoothing my tie down. She glances around at the restaurant with a glowing smile.
“Wow,” she says, softly. “It’s beautiful here.”
“I’m glad you like it. This is actually only my second time here. I only recently got involved. My friend Jackson is the owner, and he needed some help as he plans to expand his brand. Plus, you know me, keeping busy with work.”
She nods and smiles a little. “I’m always impressed when I get glimpses of it. You must work so hard, running an entire company.”
I shake off her compliment. “I really don’t believe I work any harder than you or anyone at my company or the waiter serving us, for that matter.”
She nods thoughtfully at my words. “I have to admit I don’t really understand all that you do — the business of it, I mean.” Her smile fades a little as she looks around. “I guess that’s why my restaurant idea feels like a pipe dream. I wouldn’t know how to navigate any of that.”
I nod, thinking of how to respond. How close she’s hinting at some ideas I’ve had, but I don’t want to scare her off.
“You don’t necessarily need to know all of it. The basics, sure, and maybe you could take an intro business class, or just have a business partner who handles that, someone you trust, and you can worry about the food.”
“Taking a class would be nice,” she says, a little wistful.
I glance down at the menu. “Do you prefer red or white wine?”
The corner of her mouth ticks up as she answers. “My wine usually comes in the $10 variety, so I’m sure whatever you choose will be wonderful.”
I smile at that. Her open playfulness is one of the many things I adore about her. The waiter approaches and introduces himself as Jacob. I order a Cabernet Sauvignon that I’m familiar with, choosing one that I know isn’t too ridiculously priced. Usually I wouldn’t care about that, but I don’t want Quinn to feel weird about anything tonight. Jacob comes back quickly and pours our glasses, leaving the bottle between us.
I lift my glass.
“A toast? To you, Quinn Helena Taylor. Thank you for your forgiveness, and for giving me a chance to take you out, to get to know you. I am more grateful than you know.”
She raises her glass to mine, her eyes meeting mine with reluctance. “You have got to stop using my middle name,” she says, utterly serious. I let out a laugh and she watches me, her eyes sparkling. Finally, we both drink, effectively finishing our glasses. I quickly pour us both refills.
“Thank you,” she adds with a smile. “For inviting me.” She looks down at the menu, studying it for the first time. “So, what’s good here?”
I glance down at the menu, but before I can read it, a hand falls on my shoulder. I look up and Jackson is standing over me, a smile spread across his face. “Wes. You trying to hide from me?”
I clasp his hand into a shake, smirking. “Only because I knew you’d completely embarrass me in front of my date. Jackson, this is Quinn. Quinn, Jackson.” I gesture to Quinn, who is eyeing us with a small smile.
Jackson steps forward and puts his hand out. She goes to shake his hand, but he lifts it to his lips, planting a soft kiss on the back of her hand. “Enchanté.”
She giggles and I want to burn that hand. “Nice to meet you, Jackson. Your restaurant is beautiful.”
“You’re very kind. Did Wesley tell you he’s a part owner now?” He gestures towards me as I shake my head.
“He did mention that.” Quinn flattens her lips into a line, hiding a smile.
“He’s usually too humble about these things,” Jackson explains. “So we have to brag on his behalf.”