Page 53 of Something Forever
For the next few minutes, I explain my concept for All Rhodes and discuss the job expectations. We both finish our coffees, and she tells me she has to think about it, which works out because I have to focus on finding a location before I reach out to anyone else for hiring.
I’m on the train home when an idea pops in my head. On my walk back to the apartment, I call Sharon from my old office. She doesn’t answer, so I leave her a voicemail asking if she wants to get together for a coffee. We were never friends, so I’m sure she’ll find it a somewhat strange request, but hopefully she’ll get back to me. She would make a great CFO.
When I get home, I open the door as silently as possible and glance around, holding my breath. My good luck continues as I realize Liam isn’t home. I have no idea what I’m going to say for him.
Thanks for the great sex. Pass me the sugar?
Shuffling to my room, I feel my phone buzz in my pocket.
Abbi: Want to come over tonight? I’m making lasagna.
I haven’t seen Abbi since last night at the club. She texted me to say that she and Shane had left to meet up with some of his friends at another bar. I’d love to see her, but she’ll know something is up with me right away, and I don’t think I can stand the interrogation about Liam. But I’d be lying if I said I didn’t need her advice on how the hell to handle this situation, so I shoot her a text letting her know I’m on my way.
“I knew it! You owe me $100.”
I groan, knowing Abbi wouldn’t forget our bet. “Calm down. It was nothing.”
She laughs maniacally, loading lasagna onto plates while I pour us both a glass of red wine. “Nothing, my ass. You should have seen you two at the club. You looked absolutely feral.”
“You say that about everything,” I remind her.
She swipes her wine from my hand. “Yeah, but this time, it actually applies. When Liam almost knocked that guy out for dancing up on you, you had that same look in your eye you get when I make my triple fudge brownies.”
“Those brownies are everything.”
“You know what’s better than those brownies? Hate-sex with your roommate.”
“It wasn’t even hate-sex. I wish it was. That would probably be easier. It was much more… intimate. Intense.” She slides me my lasagna and I start to dig in. “I’m freaking out, Abbi.”
She grins like the Cheshire Cat. “I’m obsessed with this,” she says between mouthfuls. “So, what’s the plan?”
“There is no plan.”
She gasps. “You? Without a plan? Unheard of.”
I roll my eyes, finishing up my food. “It was a one-time thing. I’m just gonna pretend it never happened.”
“But the orgasms! You need more orgasms!”
I shake my head. “It was a mistake for me to get involved with Liam. A drunken mistake. We need to keep our relationship strictly professional. Friendly.”
“I think that ship has sailed, sweetheart.”
I sigh, downing the rest of my wine.
Abbi pats my back. “You are the grumpiest millionaire I’ve ever met.”
“Not a millionaire,” I grumble.
After dinner, we sit on the couch and watch She’s the Man. I end up falling asleep on Abbi’s couch, and I wake up in the morning with a text from Sharon telling me she can meet me this evening. I have my first tour of potential spaces for the salon at noon, so I slip out of Abbi’s apartment and call a car home, praying Liam isn’t there.
I don’t take the time to check, beelining for the bathroom. After I shower, I reply to Sharon to let her know I’ll meet her for a drink later. Just as I’m heading out the door, I glance backwards down the hall, where I see Liam emerging from his room. He’s shirtless and scratching the back of his head, clearly just waking up. I can’t help but let my eyes peruse his bare chest, my mind flashing with memories of him hovering over me, his touch gentle and punishing. My eyes flicker up to his and catch his sharp, surprised gaze.
I flee, letting the door slam behind me.
The first couple of tours are total duds. The first place had mold covering the ceiling, and the second had only a tiny window that faced an alley. I’m feeling pretty defeated when I get to my last tour of the day. My feet hurt, I’m exhausted, and all I want to do is go home, but I’m terrified Liam’s going to be exactly where I left him, looking grumpy and sleepy.
Why does that send butterflies to my stomach?