Page 59 of Something Forever
“We’re leaving,” I spit, trying to control the growing rage inside of me at Rebecca’s words. At the sight of Whitney touching another man.
“Stop manhandling me,” she seethes, yanking her arm out of my grip. “What the hell is wrong with you?”
“Don’t push me right now, Whitney,” I warn her, my temper simmering. “Not when I see you flirting with Mikey fucking Sullivan.”
She scoffs and rolls her eyes. “Are you kidding me? I’m getting pretty sick of this possessive boyfriend routine.”
“Watch it,” I growl.
“Or what? Plan to fuck the jealousy out of me again?”
The comment sizzles between us, the air taught and heavy with her words. She’s broken our agreement to pretend that night never happened. She struts ahead of me, rushing out of the hotel and stepping out to the sidewalk. I order an Uber, and silence settles between us as we wait.
“Sorry I don’t like watching my wife flirt with another man right in front of me,” I growl.
She rolls her eyes as the car pulls up in front of us. I yank the door open, and she slides in, all the way to the other side.
“I wasn’t flirting! And if I was, I was just trying to talk you up to him. He seems really connected, and I thought if he heard your pitch, he could help you out. I did it for you. I only came to this stupid event for you. Bought this stupid dress for you.”
Her voice breaks slightly on the last word. Just the sound of it melts my icy anger. I can’t see her face in the darkness of the back seat, but I reach for her hand, and she flinches at the contact, pulling back from my touch.
“I’m sorry,” I breathe out, and she stiffens. “Rebecca said some shit about the foundation, how it would never work, and I was pissed off. When I saw you touching him, I lost it. I’m sorry, Whit.”
She turns to me, her gaze sharp. “What did Rebecca say?”
I shake my head. “Just that the whole foundation idea is a pipe dream and that I should give up before I sink too much money into it.”
“What does she know?”
“A lot. She knows a fuck ton more than I do. All I’m doing is chasing the dream of a dead man.”
“So, Rebecca says it’s no good, and you just believe her? I didn’t know you were a quitter, Liam.”
My gaze darkens. “I’m not.”
She shrugs back at me, a challenge in her eyes. “Sounds like you are.”
“She agreed to look at my business plan,” I tell her. “Hopefully she’ll have more constructive feedback.”
Whitney just nods, turning away from me to look out the window. I reach for her hand again with a sigh, and this time, she lets me take it in mine. I rub my thumb on the back of her palm as some of the tension loosens from her shoulders. “For what it’s worth, I think the dress was worth every penny.”
“I thought I looked ‘nice’.”
I inhale, the scent of her surrounding the space around us. “You look fucking beautiful.”
It’s silent in the wake of my confession. I tighten my grip on her hand, trying to get a glimpse of her expression. “Why did you leave? In the morning?” I ask.
She glances away from me. “Don’t,” she says into the darkness.
“We’re never going to talk about it?”
She shakes her head. “It was one-time thing. We both agreed.”
I cross my arms over my chest, leaning away from her. “Well, maybe I changed my mind.”
“Excuse me?” Her head snaps in my direction.
“Maybe once wasn’t enough for me. Maybe I need another taste.”