Page 63 of Something Forever
He chuckles and pulls me closer. “It’s making me nervous,” he admits. “Was it too much?”
I turn on my side to face him completely. “I’m fine, Liam.”
He trails his hand along my thigh, playing with the ends of the button-down. “You look sexy in my shirt.”
I blush and smirk at him, letting my hand rest on his bare chest, feeling the contours of his muscles against my fingers.
“Look even sexier out of it,” he mumbles.
I chuckle against him and pull the covers up, turning over and flipping my bedside light off, engulfing us in darkness.
“Will you be gone when I wake up in the morning?” he asks, a hint of vulnerability in his voice. The sound of it tugs at my heart.
“This is my bed,” I remind him with a soft smile.
He pulls me closer, his arms wrapped entirely around me. “Goodnight, Whit.”
I can hardly reply before my head hits the pillow and sleep takes me completely.
The sun cracks through my curtains, bathing the room in a warm light that matches the warmth covering my body. The source of that heat? The man currently wrapped around me, his snores filling the room. Liam didn’t snore in Vegas, but last night he nearly woke me up with his noise. Worst of all, I’m not even annoyed by it. I find him unbearably cute.
Liam shifts, tucking my body tighter into his and sliding his leg between mine. The movement sends a rush of heat through me, and my mind is filled with memories from last night, images of the way we looked together in the mirror.
Why does he have to be so good in bed? My ex, Christopher, was always a bit selfish when it came to sex. He didn’t really like going down on me, and he wasn’t that into foreplay. Meanwhile, Liam has ruined other men for me. Once the rest of my inheritance comes through and we part ways, how am I ever going to find someone who seems to understand exactly what I need? Who is as desperate to taste me, to touch me?
A pang hits me at the thought of our impending expiration date, even if it is years away.
Such an ugly word. When Liam and I decided to get married, I didn’t think beyond All Rhodes and how badly I wanted to achieve my dream. I failed to grasp the reality that I’m going to have one divorce under my belt before thirty. I sigh against my pillow, my mood successfully soured. Trying to shake off thoughts of the future, I snuggle further into Liam’s arms, focusing on the feeling of his body wrapped around mine. I really should get up and figure out what to say to Liam.
Does he regret it?
The night at the club was one thing. We could write it off as a drunken mistake and move on. But twice? There’s an undeniable thread running between us, an attraction that I can’t deny.
Liam shifts again, slipping his arms out from around me and stretching them above his head with a groan. The sound of it sends another flush of memories through me, making the room feel a few degrees warmer.
“Good morning,” he murmurs, slipping his hand back to my hip.
“Morning,” I whisper, my nerves building.
In the soft glow of last night, our wild sex felt bold and intimate and perfect. In the morning glow, my crusty eyes and dry mouth make it feel like a dirty secret. One that I’m scared to say out loud.
Liam tugs me closer, turning my head to face him, but he doesn’t say anything. He presses his lips against mine, and I fall into the feel of him, opening my mouth with a heady moan.
We’re interrupted by the sound of buzzing. I pull back from our kiss, reaching for the bedside table for my phone, but it’s not mine. Liam follows my movement, sitting up and glancing around. He slips out from under the sheets and reaches for his pants, searching in the pockets for his phone. He slides back into the bed next to me, reading his screen. I avert my gaze, but when he flips his phone over with a groan, I meet his eyes again.
“Everything okay?” I ask, pulling the covers up.
He nods and exhales. “I totally forgot. My dad is coming to town next weekend, and I told him he could crash with us.”
“What?” My voice pitches up. “Here?”
He rubs his brow and sighs. “I was going to ask you about it, but it was ages ago.”
“Does he know about us?”
He shakes his head. “No, but I’ve got to tell him. He’ll be pissed I didn’t invite him to the wedding. Haven’t really gotten around to telling him about me dropping out of school, either.”