Page 82 of Something Forever
Liam beelines for the bathroom while I grab a La Croix from the fridge. I put the kettle on, assuming that Liam and his dad will want tea.
“What was your favorite part of the weekend, Andy?” I ask as I prepare their drinks.
“I think it’s a tie between one-dollar pizza and those dumplings… or maybe that Ethiopian brunch we got today.”
“So, just the food, then?”
He chuckles, then his gaze turns serious. “Truthfully, the best part of the trip has been getting to know you. It’s wonderful to see Liam happy. I’m proud to call you my daughter-in-law.”
I’m hit with a pang of longing. I never knew my own father, so hearing Andy say that he’s proud to call me his daughter-in-law, well… it has tears forming at the corners of my eyes.
“Thank you,” I say, gratitude shining in my voice. “That means a lot, Andy.”
Liam comes back into the room. Perhaps sensing the energy in the room, he glances from me to his dad with vague suspicion. “Everything okay?”
I nod and slide his tea over to him. “Yep.”
“I was just telling Whitney how lovely it’s been getting to know her and how excited I am for you two. Young, in love, the whole world at your fingertips.”
Liam doesn’t reply, but he locks eyes with me as I cross the room to give Andy his tea, his expression unreadable.
“I don’t feel like cooking, so I was gonna order takeout. How does sushi sound?” Liam asks.
“Good with me,” I croak out.
The food arrives almost an hour later, and we settle in the dining room with a bottle of white wine as Liam pulls out enough sushi to feed a small army.
“Liam,” I groan, pouring Andy some wine. “How much did you get?”
He shrugs. “Didn’t know what everyone liked.”
Liam reaches for the spicy salmon rolls, about to pop one in his mouth, when Andy stills his movements.
“Before we eat, I just wanted to say thank you Whitney for letting me stay with you and for putting up with my son.”
“Thanks for the glowing praise,” Liam deadpans.
Andy pushes on. “Just feeling a bit grateful right now. I know things have been hard, Li, and I’m sorry I can’t make that better for you, but you know what? I’ve never seen you look at anyone the way you look at Whitney, and I think that’s something to celebrate.”
He lifts his glass to cheers, and I follow suit, willing my hand to stop shaking. Andy’s sentimentality is a crushing pressure on our fragile dynamic; Liam and I are dancing on a line that is disappearing beneath our feet, and it’s terrifying.
“To Whitney and Liam, and your new life together. I only wish Luke were here to see it.”
Liam swallows, the sound seeming to echo in the silence following Andy’s words. I study him, worry crashing through me. Liam lifts his glass, then knocks it back, finishing half in one gulp.
“Thank you, Andy,” I manage, taking a sip of my own wine.
We’re about to dig in when the door buzzer goes off, indicating someone is downstairs. My gaze flickers to the door.
“We expecting someone?” Liam asks, looking at me.
I shake my head. “Not that I know of.”
I cross over to the front door to look at the camera. When I see the person tapping their foot impatiently, my heart drops.
My mother.
What is she doing here?