Page 58 of Home Free
The motor slowed, the sound of it lowering to a hum under the lapping of the water. At first, Finn couldn’t see anything up ahead, but a few seconds later he spotted the stretch of beach, the sand a shimmer against the blackness of the cliffs beyond it.
Ronan took the motor down another notch, then cut it entirely. He hopped overboard with a splash and grabbed the side of the boat. “Let’s go.”
Finn launched himself into the water behind Ronan and forced himself not to gasp. It was frigid and still deep enough to lap at his neck.
“Don’t let go,” Declan, on the other side of the boat with Nick, shouted over the wind. “This surf will rip it right out from under us.”
They reached the break point and fought to keep the current from dragging the boat — and them along with it — back out to sea. Then they were past it, stepping through shallow water as they dragged the boat onto the beach.
“You sure it will be okay here?” Declan asked as they stripped off their life vests.
“I’m sure. Clay’s been monitoring the beach with the sat images for the past few days. There’s no patrol until we get to the grounds,” Ronan said.
They tucked their life vests into the waterproof duffel they planned to leave in the boat, then strapped on their Kevlar. Finn tucked the comms earpiece against his head, then attached the mic to his wet shirt.
“Check your weapons,” Ronan said.
“Thanks, Dad,” Declan said.
“Smart-ass,” Ronan muttered.
“This isn’t our first rodeo,” Declan said, checking the magazine in his weapon. “That’s all I’m saying.”
“Never hurts to be extra careful,” Nick said.
Ronan looked at Finn. “You good?”
Finn nodded. “I’m good.”
It was only partially true. Finn had thought he’d be happy when this moment came, happy to deliver the justice Achilles so richly deserved, but it was sinking in that he was about to kill another man, that by the end of the night, more blood would be on his hands.
But he didn’t have a choice. Not really. He’d come this far, had risked the lives of his brothers, and he couldn’t live in peace knowing Achilles was out in the world, living his life while Fedir and Iryna were dead.
He just couldn’t.
“Let’s go,” Ronan said.
They’d already discussed their formation up the mountain — Ronan in front followed by Finn, then Nick, then Declan.
Finn fell into line behind his oldest brother. They headed for the cliff face.
Kate and Alexa headed home after dinner, leaving Julia and Elise home with JT and Hawk McGregor, plus a man named Dawson who jumped to attention and looked terrified every time Hawk spoke to him.
Elise helped Julia inventory the damage from the break-in for the insurance company, then paced aimlessly, wondering what Finn was doing and how long it would be before she heard from him. Eventually she became annoyed enough with herself to snap out of it.
Finn had told her to pack her bags, and that was what she was going to do. But first, she needed to go through her things. She had no idea where they were going, but she couldn’t take everything.
It was dull work that didn’t stop her from thinking about him, but at least her hands were busy. She’d filled one box with clothes to donate and was starting on a second when a knock sounded at the door.
“I’m in the bedroom,” she called out, knowing it was Julia.
Julia appeared in the doorway a few seconds later, holding JT’s hand.
“Aunt Leese!” He toddled forward and Elise scooped him up, kissing his chubby cheeks until he squirmed to get down.
“What’s up?” Elise asked.