Page 18 of Wolf Promise
“When I touched Regie, I got a strange feeling.”
What the fuck? The Viking shouldn’t have any feelings when touching Regie. “What do you mean?” he growled.
Ulf grinned. “Dial down the testosterone there, friend.” He patted Bolt on the shoulder. “Odin’s balls. You wolves and your quick temper.” The Viking turned serious. “I’m not an expert in figuring out if people have powers, but when I greeted Regie, I felt a small echo of how I feel when I touch the Viking healer. She’s a medical doctor, but also what you in English would call a witch.”
Bolt frowned. “Impossible. I can sense witches. Regie is not one.”
Ulf held up his hands, palms facing forward. “I’m just telling you what happened. Maybe have Laney evaluate Regie. I think she’s something more than merely a regular mortal.”
Bolt made a noncommittal sound. He would have noticed if Regie had magical powers, wouldn’t he?
There had only been one other time when he’d missed noticing someone’s magical powers. That miss had cost him his twin brother.
He made a mental note to have Laney meet Regie soon.
Regie closed her laptop and slid it into her bag just as Bolt knocked on her office door and stepped inside. “Ready to go?” he asked.
She nodded. Once again, how much space he filled struck her. Even dressed in a tailored business suit, there his physical strength shown through. His large his body ate up space, but also, his personality demanded to be noticed. He would never be described as chatty or gregarious. Instead, his quiet demeanor acted like an invisible force, putting pressure on her mind that couldn’t be ignored.
“You okay?” he asked, walking over to her with a concerned look on his face.
She realized she’d been staring at him while her mind spun fanciful words about his physical and mental prowess. A flush of heat crept up her neck and into her cheeks. “Yeah, fine.” She had to clear her throat. “Just thinking about…work.”
He held up a wrinkled paper bag she hadn’t noticed until now. “I brought food.” Looking inside, he shook his head. “Although I’m not sure if it’s still edible. The bag—and the containers—got a little scrunched in the saddlebags on my bike.”
She laughed. “You rode your bike dressed in a suit?” He’d, of course, still look hot no matter what he wore while riding his motorcycle. She sighed inwardly and told her neglected libido to stand down.
“Bad planning on my part. I rode my Harley Softail instead of taking one of the company SUVs.” He looked sheepish. “Sometimes I need to feel the wind and the bite of the chilled Bay Area evening air.”
Regie understood all too well the need for the illusion of freedom. Maybe she’d ask him to take her on the bike one day. “I’m sure the food will be fine.”
He gestured for her to walk ahead of him out of the office and then did that thing he’d done in the restaurant, where he gently guided her by placing his hand on the small of her back. It felt both sweet and a little possessive at the same time.
And dangerous because it made all of her girl parts stand up and take notice.
As they rode the elevator down, Bolt stood unusually close and leaned over, his nose hovering over the top of her head.
“Did you just smell me?” Regie couldn’t help but ask.
He wouldn’t meet her gaze. “Sorry, I thought maybe you’d put on a new perfume.”
“I don’t use perfume.”
“My bad.” He cleared his throat.
What the heck? Why the sniff test? They walked across the lobby. Regina nodded to the security guards as they passed their desk. Bolt opened the door for her, and a gust of chilled air greeted them as they stepped out. He guided her again with a confident hand on her back.
She turned to ask him about why he’d smelled her, but before the words left her lips, a flurry of flashes exploded in her eyes. Blinking furiously, she tried to clear the white stars obscuring her vision.
“What the fuck?” Bolt exclaimed, his grip on Regie tightening.
She heard running steps behind her, and the dancing lights in her eyes finally cleared enough to where she could see the two security guards rushing out of the building. Bolt stood in front of her, shielding her with his big body. She leaned over to the side to peek around him.
Two photographers were corralled by his forearm. He noticed her sneaking a look. “Regie, get behind me now.” His voice sounded close to a growl.
She did as he demanded and couldn’t see what happened on the other side of his broad torso, but from the commotion, it sounded as if the two guards were steering the photographers away from the building.