Page 15 of Tailwhip
Once I grab my luggage, Neha is waiting for me, along with Nick. I know Anthony told me he would be here for a few days with her, but I didn’t think so soon. Jumping in the back seat, Neha turns and asks, “So, how was your family member’s wedding? I know you don’t have any family that lives in Dallas!”
Looking at her, I say, “You are right, I don’t, but my cousin wanted to have the wedding at a venue in Dallas!”
I can tell she still doesn’t believe me. “Uh huh, I find it quite interesting you were out there at the same time the Extreme Tour was as well. You didn’t happen to meet up with anyone in particular, did you?”
I look in the mirror at Nick, and he gives the slightest head shake letting me know he has not said a thing. “Neha, seriously, I went out for a wedding–that’s it. Stop with the interrogation and drive us home!”
Sighing loudly, she says, “Fine, did you have a good time at least?” she asks. I tell her that I had a very good time, trying to hide my smile saying that. I had the best time.
Once on the interstate heading home, I fill her in on the book situation. “So, Heath called me while I was out there, and he told me he talked to a publisher about my suspense book I started on a few years back. They want to work with me on getting it done and published!”
Slightly turning around, Neha has wide eyes. “Are you freaking serious? The one I have read? You better finish it and get it out there. It is so good. You need to let Nick read it.”
Thinking to myself, Anthony will be the one to read the final before anyone else, even before Heath. His opinion matters more to me. “I need to think of a good title for it. I haven’t even gotten that far. I will have to also re-read it again, since I stopped it after Ryan pretty much told me it was shit.”
“Ugh, Ryan was shit!” Neha says.
“Who is Ryan?” Nick asks.
“He is my ex. I let him read this book I started a few years back, and he told me no publisher will ever want it. It bothered me so much; I stopped writing completely after.” I tell Nick.
“He sounds like an asshole; he’ll be eating his words when he sees it on store shelves!” Nick says. This makes me smile, that I have even Nick’s support, who hasn’t even read it.
Finally, we make it into Frisco. Traffic was a nightmare. We all end up ordering pizza and hanging out at my house, catching up with each other. Neha gets up to use the bathroom.
As soon as she leaves the room, I look over at Nick and tell him, “Thank you for not saying anything! I will tell her about everything at some point, but not yet.”
Nick tells me, “It’s not my business to talk about, but what is going to happen this time, Ashlynn? Are you both in this for the long run or just having some fun? You know Anthony only wants a serious thing with you.”
Nodding my head, I say, “I know, and I want that, too. We are just going to have to figure it out as we go. I didn’t anticipate this publisher asking about my book, so that does put a nail in things, but Nick I don’t want to hurt him again. I will do whatever it takes to make things work.” “I know you will, Ashlynn. You know he will kill me for telling you this, but when he and Mika broke up, she told him she wanted marriage, and he straight up told her, he never saw them in the future like that. He said he has only seen that with you,” Nick says and adds, “Don’t tell him I told you that! He’ll kick my ass.” I just start laughing at him.
Right at that moment, Neha comes back in. “What are you both laughing at?” Shaking my head, I tell her nothing. Rolling her eyes at us, she says, “You both suck at lying and I will figure this out!” This makes Nick and I laugh even harder at Neha. After sitting around for a while, my phone starts ringing. Holding it up, I see it is Anthony. I bravely answer in front of Nick and Neha.
“Hey! You made it home okay?” I ask him.
“Yes, it was a long flight–we were delayed a few times–but I finally made it.”
I tell him, “It also took a while for us to make it home from the airport due to traffic.”
“Are you being brave and talking to me in front of Nick and Neha? I can hear him laughing,” he says.
“Yes, I am, actually!” I tell him.
“Well, I don’t know how you are going to explain the delivery that should be coming to your door at any second, then!” Just as he says that, the doorbell rings and Neha jumps up to answer. Opening the door, it is a young kid, holding a bag in his arms, asking for me. I walk over and tell him I am Ashlynn.
“Can you sign this confirming the delivery, he says.” “Sure, what is it?” I ask absent mindedly as if the kid knows. He hands over the bag to Neha and tells us to have a good night. Closing the door, Neha being nosey is already opening it. Luckily, she hands over the note that is in the bag but looks up at me confused.
“It’s nothing but Ben & Jerry’s Cookie Dough Ice Cream and bags of cookie dough pieces. What the hell?”
I put my hand over my giant smile and talk into the phone to Anthony. “Thank you so much! Now I don’t have to pick out the pieces.” I can’t see him, but I know he is smiling.
“Since I can’t be with you, I wanted to send you something you enjoy and can’t have the pieces stolen from you! Anyway, I have to go. Chase and I are meeting early to finalize the video selection for Overbear, but Ashlynn baby, let me see you on FaceTime to say goodnight.” I rush to my room and slam the door shut, shouting at Neha and Nick not to touch my ice cream before I disappear inside. Once in my room, I call Anthony on FaceTime. Instantly connecting, I'm greeted by his smile.
“Hi,” he says.
Smiling back at him, I say, “Hi, thank you again! I think I am set on ice cream for a while.”
“That was the plan, at least to keep you stocked up until I get out there again.” He says. “I have something exciting to tell you: I have a week in between takes for the video, where I will be free. I will come out to see you, would that be okay?”