Page 24 of Tailwhip
“That’s exactly it. Sounds familiar, huh? His dad is a doctor and wants him to follow in his footsteps. Mateo says he gets discouraged asking for help because of his dad.”
“That’s unfortunate that he feels like that, but it is your gain and his dad’s loss. I think that’s why you and he had a more instant bond. Like you both just knew, you went through the same thing without even knowing.”
That does make sense, I realize. Getting my train of thought and back on track, I ask, “So, will I be seeing you at Memorial Park?”
There’s silence again from Ashlynn. I am starting to think something is wrong, but don’t really want to ask. Finally, she starts to talk. “Well, I was planning on surprising you and coming down with Neha while she does her article on the team. So, YES! I will be seeing you there.”
“Good! I am ready to see you again, Ashlynn baby. I feel a month is too long, but we both knew it would be like this. Good news is, after the tour and if you are okay with it, I can stay with you for a few weeks before I have to get back to a few indoor contests.”
Sighing, but not dramatically, she says, “It has been long, but we got this. You can always stay at my house. I hate to do this, but I am so tired and need to go to sleep.”
“Yeah, I am tired from riding. I lo–have a good night and sleep well.”
All Ashlynn says is “AH” for a minute. “Have a good night, too! Talk to you soon.”
Once off the phone, I can’t believe I almost said, “I love you” to her. Not that I would be lying, but it’s a bit too soon. Even though my feelings never went away, and I do love that girl more than anything. Rolling over to plug my phone onto the charger and shutting off the light to sleep, I sigh out loud and say, “WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!”
It’s day two in Austin and we are at Heath Ailand and Morgan Moss Park. I have never been to this park, but decided to not ride and just film the guys instead. I still use my bike for some tricks, so I can get good angles while they execute their tricks. While taking a break from filming, I look around the park and I swear I see the same girl from FDR with the familiar face watching the team. I think to myself that it can’t be her. That’s a long way to drive to follow the tour and creepy as shit, if that truly is the case here.
After a few more hours at the park, the team starts lining up to finish with a train throughout. Once all done, we all go eat and figure out the plan for Colorado. Sitting in the restaurant, I ask what they would prefer to do. “So, do you all want to stay here for tonight, get up early to head up to Colorado, or would you be willing to leave tonight? Drive throughout the night and get into Colorado by the morning?”
Everyone is quiet while thinking about it, with Jax finally breaking the silence. “I’ll help drive if we do it through the night!” Everyone nods in agreement to leave tonight.
“We can hit the vert ramp early before the park gets overly crowded,” I tell the team. We get back to the hotel and pack up. Once everyone is in the vans, we head out.
Do I Wanna Know? – Arctic Monkeys
Getting Anthony’s text first thing this morning has me smiling ear to ear. He is finally making his way to Colorado. It was sent late last night, so they should be close to getting here, and it will take Neha and I about two hours to drive down to Colorado Springs and get to the park.
As we are driving, Neha asks me to help her with some questions to ask the team, saying she is having a bit of writer’s block. “You know, sex usually helps me clear my mind,” says Neha.
Suddenly, there is awkward silence, until Neha says, “I need some cock for this writer’s block!”
I just shake my head at her and laugh, really what do you say to that!
“So, are you excited to see Anthony again? Have you made sure you are nice and ready for him?”
“You are one of the only people I know who talks about sexual things in almost everything!”
Chuckling to herself, she says, “I have to live through you, since Nick is gone, and I haven’t heard a peep from him since.”
That news surprises me; they seemed close before he left, but he could be busy meeting everything his sponsor wants him to do while out on the video shoots.
“If you must know, I made sure to be freshly waxed for him!”
“Oh damn, I didn’t know you got waxed, girl! He’s going to love that. Are you hoping for a little tongue action?” Neha, wiggling her eyebrows at me, continues, “Tell me, did you give him a strip to land his dick on or does he get smooth sailing?”
Eyes wide, I say, “OH MY GOD, NEHA!!! Can you embarrass me any more with that comment?”
“I don’t know why you are embarrassed. It’s just us, and I know Ryan never did that with you. Remember, you told me everything he never wanted to do!” I don’t want to respond to her about this, but sad to say it is all true. Ryan only ever wanted to have sex, nothing oral. So, when Anthony did that to me in Dallas, I was in pure euphoria from his mouth. I have nothing to compare it to, but damn, he was amazing at it. So, yes! I got waxed in hopes of repeating that. I’m not letting Neha know that, though!
Finally making it into Colorado Springs and parking at Memorial Park, we get out to head over to the skatepark area. This is a new park in the city with a full vert ramp. I see a few people on bikes and a couple of skateboarders, so the park is not too crowded yet. Looking around, though, I don’t see Anthony or anyone else I have seen in his videos. Then, out of nowhere, I hear someone yelling at me. Looking over my shoulder, I see Chase over by a couple of vans. They must have just gotten here. Coming from the back of the van, Anthony is on his bike riding quickly toward me!
“There’s my girl! Get over please!” I smile, walk toward him, and crash into him for a hug and a kiss. I try to pull away to say hi, but he just holds onto the back of my neck, not letting me move away from him. “Damn, I missed kissing this mouth.”