Page 27 of Tailwhip
Kiss Me – Ed Sheeran
After Ashlynn and I make it back down to all the cars and the team, we decide it is time to go eat. Neha suggests pizza at a NY style pizza joint. She gets no arguments from anyone at this. Again, I drive with Ashlynn and Neha, noticing Jax has joined us as well. I hate to think about it, but those two are hitting it off pretty well. Nick won’t care for that, but that’s not my issue to work with since he hasn’t been in contact with Neha since he left, from what she stated.
Making it down the mountain and to the pizza joint, we order 6 pizzas for all of us. I know the girls won’t eat much, but us guys are starving. I am starved seeing how I just had a nice little workout with Ashlynn up in the mountains. I really didn’t think she would be okay having sex out in the open like that, but she didn’t even seem to care, kicking off her jeans with no problem. I do owe her a new thong since I ripped the one off her.
Jax asks Ashlynn after taking a bite of pizza, “So, you live a couple hours from here, right?”
“Yeah, I live up in a small town called Frisco. It is close to some of the ski resorts.” Jax then looks over to Neha, “You live up there, too?”
“Yes, I do–moved up the same time Ashlynn did.”
Grady chimes in, “Are there any good places to go out and drink and have a good time?”
I’m thinking to myself, how in the hell are you ready to drink again after our night in Louisville?
“We have a couple bars, but if you want bigger places, you could always go down into Denver.” Ashlynn lets him know.
“That sounds good. Let’s all plan on going out for some drinks tomorrow?” Grady tells the group, receiving nothing but silence! “Oh, come on guys, we are young! We can do it.”
“It could be fun; we have a few days to rest before we need to get back on the road,” I tell Grady.
“YES.” Grady says excitedly.
After we are all done eating, we are all ready to head to the hotel and get some sleep. We had a long day of driving. I give everyone the hotel information we booked to stay at, so they all go to get into the van. I move over to Ashlynn, pinching her jaw between my fingers and moving her face to look up at me. “Stay with me tonight?”
Smiling at me, she asks, “What about Neha?”
“I do like Neha, but I was hoping it would just be you and I!”
“Anthony, you know what I mean. I drove us down here.”
Thinking about this for a minute, I say, “I’ll get her a room, it’s not a problem. I just want to fall asleep with you.”
As if Neha knew we were talking about her, she walks over. “I can get my own room, but thank you for offering.”
Making sure she doesn’t mind, I say, “I have no problem paying for you, Neha, really!”
“Thank you, Anthony, but I can’t let you do that.” After this, we all pile in the vans and Ashlynn follows in her truck. At the hotel, we all unload–even our bikes go up with us. Not that we are in a bad area, but it is just a habit.
Once Ashlynn and I get into the room, I can’t stop smiling at her. “What are you smiling at?” she says to me.
“I’m just happy to be here finally and with you again. Also, for the fact that you let me have sex with you outside. That was hot!”
Walking to me, Ashlynn puts her arms around my neck and pulls me in for a kiss–not just a quick one, but a deep, long kiss. “It was hot doing it in the mountains, I wouldn’t be opposed to doing that again with you!”
“Oh, is that so?!” I am smiling as wide as I possibly can at her response.
After a little longer kissing, I pull away. “Do you want to take a shower, so we can clean up better?”
“Yes, I would like to do that very much!”
I lead her into the bathroom and start undressing her, giving her kisses along her collarbone and across her shoulders. Once the water is hot enough, we both get in. It is blistering on my back, but Ashlynn loves it so hot for some reason. Grabbing the washcloth and getting it soaped up; pulling Ashlynn against me and start washing her front, then turn her around to get her back. I shouldn’t be doing this–just touching her this way has me rock hard and ready to go again. I need to calm down. I am tired from the road. I pull her back to my front and just hold her there, letting the water fall on us.
“Baby, I could easily go again, but I am tired.”