Page 33 of Tailwhip
Turning around with a smile, she says, “I hope you are hungry! I was up early and ran to the store and bought food so I could cook breakfast for everyone.”
Tugging a piece of her ponytail, I say, “You’re too good to everyone.”
Grabbing some coffee and sitting across from Nick and Neha, I say, “Sounds like you two made up last night.”
I look pointedly at Neha. Nick nuzzles into her neck. “This one can’t be mad at me forever. She likes the D too much.”
With that comment, Nick is elbowed in the stomach. “You’re such an ass!”
Neha says while walking over to help Ashlynn. Once the food is ready, we all dig in and it is gone within seconds. “Ashlynn, we owe you dinner now!” Nash says with a mouth full of food.
“You guys don’t owe me anything, just enjoy the home cooked meal!” Ashlynn tells Nash.
Mateo and Noah both say, “Pizza tonight for us all, Nash!”
“Consider it done!” Nash tells them.
Are You In – Incubus
After everyone is done eating breakfast, a couple of the guys passed out on my living room floor and one on the couch. I tell the guys to leave the mess; I will clean it once I get back home after going to meet up with Heath. Noah gives me a weird look, “I was raised to clean up after someone who cooks all the food, I got this Ashlynn!”
Looking at Noah, I say, “You really don’t have to, I don't mind cleaning it up. I am just running a bit late and can’t get it right now!”
After I say this, the team, minus Jax and Chase–who are crashed out–start to clean up my kitchen! I don’t fight it and go to get ready.
Once out of the shower and getting dressed, I hear the lightest knock on my door. “It’s me; can I come in?”
Before I can answer, Anthony is pushing the door open and slipping in. “Thank you for breakfast, it tasted good–a lot better than the nasty fast food we have been living on!”
Smiling at him, I say, “That’s why I did it. I figured you all would like a home cooked meal.”
“So, what are you going to meet Heath for?”
Walking back into the bathroom, I start to put my makeup on. “We are going to go over what cities we will stop at for the book signings! It shouldn’t take me too long. Do you want to come and meet him?”
“Nah, we are going to get the bikes and go see if we can find any place to ride but tell him to come over for pizza and hang out.” Before I can answer Anthony, I get a text from Heath.
Once done getting ready, I look over to where Anthony is sitting in my oversize chair in the corner with a strange look on his face. “What’s going through that head of yours?”
Looking up at me, he says, “We leave in less than 24 hours, and I am not ready to go. I’ve had the best time here with you. I guess I am just not ready for it to be over yet!”
Walking over and standing in front of him, I lift his face to look at me. “We still have all today and we will be in Seattle in less than a week; also, if you are still wanting to come back with me after Seattle and stay those few weeks, you can!” Giving him a little kiss, he pulls me onto his lap.
With his hands gripping my thighs, he says, “Can you be a little later meeting Heath right now? Have a little fun morning ride!”
Pushing him back with my hands on his chest, I say, “I am already super late meeting Heath, and your whole team is in my house, cleaning; they could hear us!”
Giving me the crooked smile that I love, he says, “Good, let them all hear you scream my name, so they know who you belong to!”
Letting out a sigh, I say, “I don’t belong to anyone, thank you very much!”
“Wrong, you belong to me Ashlynn. You always have! I guess I will let you go, though. I don’t want to hold up anything regarding your book right now!”
Getting off his lap, before he can really try something, I say, “I will be back soon, have fun riding! Tonight, we can get the firepits in my backyard going and just hang out with everyone–a chill night!”