Page 36 of Tailwhip
Not taking her eyes off the movie, she just nods her head. “Yeah, he told me about a surprise he has set for you.”
Of course, he tells her what he has planned. “Well, I want to go shopping for something sexy to wear for him. You have a good eye for lingerie. So, I need you to come with me.”
This gets her attention; she whips her head in my direction. “Um, yeah, I will go with you. We can get you something super sexy with some thigh highs.” After talking a bit longer and finishing up the movie, Neha goes to bed, and I just crash in her guest room.
After heading home the next morning, I get ready to go down into Denver and do some lingerie shopping. I don’t know if I am overly picky, but nothing is catching my eye that I would want to wear for Anthony. After a while of looking, Neha walks up with a couple things. “Look at how sexy these are. This emerald one would look amazing and will look nice with your hazel eyes.”
I take that piece from her because it is cute, but there is only one problem. “Neha, the bra size is a D. I do not have that big of boobs like you. Are you sure you didn’t pick this out for yourself?”
“Sorry, yes, I grabbed that one for me, too; you know, for when Nick gets back! What size are you again?”
Sighing loudly, I say, “I am a 36 B, thanks for asking that loud enough for the whole store to hear!”
Smiling wide, she says, “Sorry, I thought you might be at least a C. they do have your size though. Anthony is going to lose his shit when he sees you in this! You know you are perfect the way you are, but–just curious–have you ever thought about implants?”
Oh my god, she is not seriously asking this in the fitting room. “Sometimes, yes, I have. However, I don’t want to deal with the pain. Plus, Anthony said mine are the perfect size for his hands to grab them.”
After we finish shopping and buy the emerald outfit, we head home. Once there, I start packing for my trip to Seattle, eager to see Anthony again. I send a quick text to him since I haven’t talked to him all day. Hopefully, I don’t wake him up. I want to tell him the words that he has tried saying to me twice already, but always stops himself. It is soon to say them, but they feel right. However, I know something like that needs to be said face to face, so I hold off and maybe I’ll surprise him with it at the airport!
Knock Knock – Mac Miller
I Lo...
Not I Love You, but I Lo.
What. The. Hell is wrong with me.
I wonder why I don't have the courage to tell her I love her. She probably just laughs about it once I'm away from her. And honestly, I couldn't blame her. I laugh at myself for how ridiculous it is.
Absorbed in my thoughts, I don’t notice that Jax has come over and sat next to me. He waves his hand out in front of my face to get my attention, and that finally pulls me out of my head and back into the real world. “I said your name a couple times, but you just ignored me. Must have something heavy on your mind!”
Shaking my head, I tell him, “I have almost told Ashlynn ‘I love you’ twice now, and each time, I have stopped myself from fully saying it and I don’t know why.”
Jax caresses his chin, like some type of scholar, “Maybe you are stopping yourself because you feel like it’s too soon? Like you want to say it, but don’t because if something were to happen, then you put your full feelings out and won’t get them back.”
I am dumbfounded by what he just spat out at me, “What the fuck, dude?! I am not afraid to say it, I just don’t know why I keep stopping! Have you ever told a girl that you love her and not to just get in their pants? I’ve seen those games from you a few times at parties!”
Rubbing his forehead and throwing his head back on a long sigh, he says, “Yeah, I have. Her name was Kayla fucking DelMonte. We dated on and off throughout high school and a little after, too. When I told her–you know–‘I love you,’ she just looked at me and was like, ‘Sorry, I don’t love you.’ Damn! Right about now, I wish I didn’t ask him that. “Soon after that, I found her at a party in bed with a fucking football dude. So, that was the end of that. That’s why I only hook up with chicks, and that’s it. Though, I could have gone for the long haul with Neha–damn, she is beautiful. Nick is a lucky dude.”
Jax gets up to go back to ride around, but before he goes off, he turns to me, and says, “Just tell her, dude. I guarantee Ashlynn feels the same. I could tell just by the way you both act with each other. It’s all there! You lucky bastard!”
We made it into Portland and pulled over because Mateo found some random dirt jumps to ride. We have been here for a few hours, and I am blown away by how comfortable Mateo is with riding dirt after only doing it out in Austin for a few hours. I start toward a jump and do a superman, and the next jump is just a casual barspin in the air. Burnside is next, and we are all riding, so I am keeping a trick under wraps that I have been thinking of trying for a while. It will be a good fit for the finishing touches on the video. That is, if I decide I want to do it before some upcoming competitions.
Still at the park, I pull both Mateo and Noah aside to talk to them about an upcoming new competition that is going to be held in Santa Cruz, California, at the start of June. “So, I got word of an upcoming competition next year in California. It is a sort of sponsorship viewing if you will. You have the chance to be picked up by additional companies along with my sponsorship from Overbear. I want to enter you both for the rookie pro class. What do you say?”
Noah speaks first. “Are you kidding me? A chance to get additional sponsors? Hell, yeah, I am in!”
Then, I turn to Mateo to see what he thinks. With a cocky smile on his face, he says, “Put me down for my first dirt riding and win!”
I burst out laughing at him for that. “You better watch yourself! It is my understanding this is going to be big! You both better bring some top tricks for this shit. I, myself, will be riding the second day, which is for the pros–not sponsorship, but a straight competition. I have already been working on new combinations in my head to try out!”
Once done at the dirt jumps, we are finally headed to burnside. All of us are excited to get there. Chase has me drive us over so he can do a live stream for the Instagram page, letting people know we'll be there and to come out and ride with us! And it works because once we pull up to the park, it's crowded. Getting out and grabbing our bikes, a few people stop us to ask for pictures, and we are all happy to do so. I even let everyone know to keep an eye out for Mateo and Noah as up and comers in the BMX world.
After making it into the park, we all set off to start our riding. At first, a few of us just flow around and do easy tricks just to warm up. Nash and I even stop to help out a couple of smaller kids, who could only be about 6 years old, trying out their new bikes! Chase finally has the camera and rides over to where the team is standing to start filming. We all do one last introduction for the end of the park tour, along with a quick trick. After that, Grady heads out to pull off a nice toothpick off a rail. Still flowing around, I come up and do an alley-oop on the vert wall. Nash does a downside whip over a hip. I start to flow back throughout the park and notice that Mateo, Noah, Nash, and Clay are following along, doing a train.